05. yoongi

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v. yoongi

Kylie and I stayed up almost the entire night, catching up. Grateful that I took Jin's advice, I felt lighter, happy. The next morning, I dragged myself out of my sleeping bag, showered and dressed myself in some of Kylie's clothes she left out for me.

We had big plans for today.

First stop of the day was the music shop. Kylie recently damaged her flute and needed a new one. So, I agreed to come along with her. Pulling my hair back in a tight bun, I followed Kylie inside the store.

I had been inside this store more time than I could count.

Father and Dad Victor always let me tag along whenever they visited, which was at least one a month. "I'm gonna go see if they have my flute repaired. I'll be back in a minute." Kylie said, seeming excited to have her instrument back in her possession. Nodding, I looked to the back of the shop, where all the pianos were.

"Sounds good. I'll be in the back."

Squeezing her hand, I walked to the back, drawn to the pianos.

Once they came into sight, a tiny smile tugged on my lips. Trailing my finger across the keys, I noticed a man, taller than me with crimped, black hair, standing in between two pianos, have difficulties decided between two of them.

Deciding to speak, I stopped a few feet away from him, looking at his side profile. As far as I could see, he had very soft, yet defined features and beautiful honey skin.

Why was I meeting such gorgeous people lately?

"In my opinion," I started off, careful not to startle the man, I fiddled with my hands as his head shot my way, analyzing. "I like the Bluthner pianos better." I smiled, relieved to feel its easier to smile now my life has been getting back on track due to making amends with Kylie.

"Why?" his smooth voice caused pleasant shivers to race down my spine. Ignoring it, I smirked. "The pianos have warm, rich sounds—deeper sounds, to be exact—than their counterparts." I explained my true feelings on the matter, "I've had a Bluthner for over ten years now."

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