06. jimin

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vi. jimin

He lives across the street.

The dude that done my first tattoo, and not to mention sucked on my tits LIVED NEXT FUCKING DOOR.




Please tell me this is just a dream.

Better yet, a nightmare.


Only it wasn't a dream, it was reality.

Two days had passed since that night I saw him across the street, looking like a seven-course meal. During my refusal of not wanting to accept what I had seen (and heard), I've stayed locked inside my room, going outside of my cave to use the bathroom and get food, my face had never ceased going completely red as I remembered. Telling Kylie about everything was easy—well it was before she started choking, then teasing me.

Shaking the memories from my head, I pulled my focus back on the call with Grandma. "You should come over soon. I haven't seen you in days! I've missed you." Grandma let an exasperated huff, "Ben and I are taking dance lesson's from Hoseok and his brother."

Dance lesson?

My brow rose, "Dance lessons? Grandma, why are you taking dance lessons? I thought you had two left feet and hated to dance?"

Grandma snorted, "Hoseok was telling us about opening up his dance studio—and I thought it'd be fun." Laughing, she continued, "today Hoseok's going to be too busy to instruct our lesson today, so his brother, Jimin will."

I wondered how many more of them I would have to meet.

Hopefully not Jungkook. I don't think my heart could take being near him again.

"Do I have beg or get Kylie to make you come?" She threatened, but I could hear the smile in her voice. "No, Grandma." I sighed, a smile tugging at my lips, "You only live next door, I'll be over in a minute. I don't think I want to miss you stepping over Grandpa's feet." A loud laugh escaped my throat.

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