Imagine... He Sees You In a Swimsuit For the First Time

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*Some context for this story. You guys are going shopping at a mall and you go into a swimsuit shop. Oh, and you're dating.*

Today, Jamie and I were going to a local mall in the area so we could get some new clothes for the summer. He called an Uber and we were on our way.

After a few minutes, we arrived and quickly made our way inside the huge building. There were hundreds of people already there, going in and out of the shops, chatting, gossiping, and carrying tons of bags.

Jamie held my hand as we walked on the tiles and soon arrived at our first store, Pacsun. We walked in through the open doors and we were greeted by a cheery teenager (AN: as someone who works in retail, we are forced to be this cheery).

Him and I waved to her and began to look around the store for some new clothes.

For the next few minutes, we browsed around the store. I'd point out that something would look cute and Jamie would agree with me. He's tell me to get it and then I'd proceed to say that I didn't need it. Then we'd move on and it would repeat again.

We'd also occasionally pass by some clothes that would look absolutely horrendous and we'd laugh out loud about it. Eventually, I found a couple of tops that I liked and we went up to pay.

I pulled out my card from my wallet and started to hand it to the woman, but Jamie moved my hand out of the way and handed her his card.

"You didn't have to do that," I said to him.

"That's what good boyfriends do," he replied.

We walked past a few more shops and decided that we'd better find another store that we'd be interested in. After a little more walking, we finally came to a cute little swimsuit shop.

We walked in and were instantly greeted by loud, summer music and lots of chatty girls who were looking at all of the different colored and shaped swimsuits.

We made our way through the different sections of the store until I came across a few sets of swimsuits that fit my style. I grabbed a black one, a pink one, a blue one, and a tan one.

"I'm going to go try them on," I said to Jamie as I made my way over to the fitting room. He followed along like a lost puppy and then sat on the bench that was outside of the rooms.

I told the girl standing nearby how many items I had and she directed me to one of the fitting room doors. She put a number 4 on the door and then I closed it.

I tried on the black one first. It fit perfectly. I stared in the mirror for a moment before I opened the door and stood there, showing Jamie the swimsuit.

He was staring down at his phone so I fake coughed and he immediately looked up, recognizing my voice. As soon as his eyes moved from the screen to me, his eyes instantly widened. He coughed and adjusted himself to a different position to get more comfortable.

"Wow... you look... amazing," he said slowly.

I felt heat creep up my face and I knew I was blushing.

"Thank you," I responded with a smile.

"You have my full attention now. My phone is staying on silent from now on, love," he said, keeping his eyes glued to me.

"I'm going to try the others on now."

"Yeah, yeah you go do that. I'll be right here."

I turned around and was about to walk back to the fitting room when I heard Jamie mumble behind me.

"Damn..." I heard him say.

I smiled and shook my head, then shut the door behind me.

For the next few minutes, I tried on the other three swimsuits. Jamie had nothing bad to say about each of them, which was very difficult with the decision making. Every time I walked out of the fitting room, he was waiting patiently for me to show off the swimsuit. After the last swimsuit, I walked back into the fitting room and put my clothes back on.

I came back out and I asked what he thought.

"Which one was your favorite?" I asked.

"I can't decide. You look absolutely stunning in all of them," he replied. "What did you like best? Your opinion matters most."

"I think the black and the tan ones looked the best. I just can't decide which one I love more."

"Well, I think that the black one fits you perfectly. It's not too bright and it definitely fits your style."

"Black one it is then."

I put each of the swimsuits back where I found them and then brought the black one up to the counter. I quickly pulled the card out to pay for it but Jamie was already on it. As he handed his card over to the woman, he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and put my card back in my wallet.

The woman handed the bag over to me and we made our way out of the store.

"You don't need to pay for everything, Jamie," I said, pretending to be annoyed.

"Love, I'm your boyfriend. It's an honor for me to pay for your items, especially when they're not that expensive," he replied.

"But I can pay for my own things."

"Not while you're around me. You deserve to be spoiled."

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