Imagine... You Meet His Family

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*Some context. You're dating in this one and the family that I'm including is his actual family. Jamie flew you from the United States to London, England, where he's from, to meet his family.*

"Jamie, I'm not ready for thisss," I whined as we approached his house.

"I know you did not just say that. I flew you all the way here to meet my family. You are not backing out now," he responded. "You'll be alright."

"Yeah but this is my first time meeting them. I want to make a good first impression."

"Trust me, they're excited to meet you. My mom has been texting me ever since you landed."

We walked up until we were standing at his front door.

"Everything is going to go well," he said as he opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, I was hit with a comforting scent and a warm temperature. The lighting in the house was dim and cozy and it wasn't too loud but there was chatter coming from another room.

"They're probably scattered around the house. Let's go find my mum," Jamie said.

We both took off our shoes and coats and made our way through the house, leaving my bags at the door. Jamie wanted me to stay in London for at least a week or two. He claims that he has so much to show me around his hometown.

Jamie took my hand and led me through his house until we walked into the living room, where Jamie's dad and a young man, who I assume is one of his brothers, were sitting. His dad was leaning back in a lounge chair and his brother was sitting on the couch.

"Dad, I have someone I want you to meet," Jamie said, getting his dad's attention.

His father looked up from his book and saw Jamie and I standing in front of him. He closed the recliner chair and stood up, setting his book down while doing this.

"Ah, you must be Y/n. I've heard so much about you," he said, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Flatters," I said with a smile as I shook his hand.

"Oh, please call me Paul and you can call my wife Anna."

Suddenly, there was another voice yelling from the other room. It was an older, female voice.

"Is Y/n here?" The voice yelled.

"Yes mum," Jamied called back.

There was a loud sound and then footsteps coming closer to us. I looked over to see who it was and a woman moved quickly around the corner.

"Y/n!" His mother said cheerfully.

She ran over and gave me a gentle hug. I can see where Jamie gets his friendliness from. This woman was the most social person I've ever met.

She pulled away from me and held onto my arms while smiling.

"I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally meet you. Jamie has told me so many good things," she said happily.

"I have heard many good things about you guys too. I'm so happy to finally meet you," I replied.

"I bet your starving from the long flight. Dinner should be ready by now." She started to walk back toward the kitchen but turned around to make sure we followed. "Come now."

Jamie, Paul, Jamie's brother, and I followed behind his mother as she led the way to the kitchen/dining room area. To describe how it looked, when you walked out of the living room, you walk down a hallway where there are a few doors. The first door to your left is the kitchen and the door right across from it on the right leads to the dining room. Jamie led us into the dining room while his mother went into the kitchen.

"Matt, can you help set the table?" His mother asked the younger man.

He nodded his head and began to help Jamie set the table. They placed down plates and silverware and made sure each person had the correct amount.

"I'm going to see if your mom needs any help," I said to Jamie before walking across the hall to the kitchen.

Anna was standing at the counter, moving back and forth making sure everything was correctly done.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

She quickly spun around and noticed that I was standing there. She gave me a small smile and moved out of the way.

"That's very sweet of you honey. If you'd like to carry this to the dining room that would be much appreciated," she said, handing me the bowl of spaghetti while she held the bowl of pasta sauce.

I walked back across the hall into the dining room and I set the bowl down in the middle of the table. Anna came up next to me and set the bowl of sauce down next to the spaghetti. She turned around and walked back into the kitchen to grab a few more things.

I looked around and saw the table was all set but there was an extra place set at the table. There were five of us but six places were set. I think Jamie noticed my confused look because he whispered to me.

"George should be home soon," he whispered.

Just as he said that the front door opened and another young male's voice called out.

"I'm home! I hope I'm not too late!" The voice said.

"You're not, George, come on in," Paul replied.

I heard footsteps walk down the hall and another young man walked into the dining room. George, Matt, and Jamie appeared to all be similar in age. That must've been difficult when they were children. Jamie was definitely the troublemaker haha.

"Alright everyone, sit down. Enjoy the food," Anna said, walking into the dining room.

Each of us sat down at the table. Jamie and I were on one side and his brother sat across from us. Paul was sat on one end and Anna was sat at the other. Everyone started to put food on their plates and pour water into their glasses. Once everyone was all set, we all began to eat.

We all talked and ate for the next hour. They asked about my life back in the United States and I asked about what it was like here. This was a completely different environment for me so I love hearing about it. Anna was very interested in my life and constantly asked me questions. It was nice having someone care so much about getting to know you.

Once we were all done, we all stood up and brought our plates to the kitchen. Each of us washed our plates and put them in the washing machine so they could be cleaned better. Then we walked into the living room to talk a little bit more.

His family was so nice and welcoming. His brothers loved messing around with each other and even tried to embarrass Jamie in front of me which turned into a play fighting match. His mother told me many stories about Jamie when he was a child and how mischievous he was. His father would add on and tease Jamie about how he still acts the same now.

They were all so caring and considerate when asking about my life. I was able to get to know all of them and know more about Jamie. I suppose staying with them for a couple of weeks wouldn't be that bad after all. 

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