Imagine... He Talks Badly About You To His Friends

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*Some context. You're friends in this one but you've grown close and have gained feelings for each other but his friends don't know that.*

I was laying on my bed in my room watching South Park when I looked down at my phone and saw Bailey was Facetiming me. I picked up my phone and swiped to answer the call.

"Hey girl what's up?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing much. We're taking a break on set right now so we're all just hanging out. I'm heading down to the lounge room to meet up with the other young cast members," she replied.

She had her airpods in so no one around her could hear me talking. They could only hear Bailey talking, but everyone was too busy to pay attention.

We talked about the movie as she walked down the hallway and entered the lounge room where I assume the others were hanging out. Bailey greeted everyone and then moved across the room and sat down in a chair. She opened up a bottle of water and drank from it as she listened to the others talk. She then made a thinking face and immediately paused her screen.

I furrowed my brows as I tried to figure out what she was doing. The notification on my screen made me realize what she was doing.

"I'm not going to talk. I want to see if Jamie will say anything about you. He's been talking highly about you lately," the text read.

She unpaused her screen and I nodded my head for her to see that I saw the text.

To understand what she means, you might need a little bit of context. Jamie and I met on the set when I was waiting for Bailey and we started to talk a little. Every time I saw him after that we talked more and more. Eventually, he asked for my number and one thing led to another. Now, we're somewhat of a "thing" I suppose. I don't exactly know what to call it. We're not dating but we've made it clear that we're interested in each other. Bailey is always telling me the things he says to her about me but I've never actually heard him talk about me to other people. So that's why she wanted to do this.

Bailey listened as the others talked and she occasionally put in her input or laugh at something someone said. From what I could hear, it was Jack, Britain, Jamie, Filip, and Bailey all gathered in the room.

After a little while longer, Bailey made a subtle face at me as a sign to listen. I turned up my volume to the highest it would go and listened intently.

"So, Jamie what's going on with you and Y/n? I've heard you guys have gotten pretty close," Jack questioned.

"Yeah, what's that all about?" Filip added.

"Uhh I don't know what you're talking about," Jamie answered. Huh, that's weird that he'd say that.

"Oh don't play stupid mate. It's obvious that you have a thing for each other. We've all seen it," Jack stated.

Bailey turned her face down to her phone and made a confused face. She paused her screen again and I assumed she was texting me.

"I don't know why he's playing dumb. Did something happen with you two?" She texted.

She unpaused her screen and I shook my head no. I was just as confused as she was. This man was literally texting me that morning about how he couldn't wait to see me again.

"Nah, Y/n and I aren't that close. I just talk to her once in a while when I'm bored," Jamie responded.

"That's not what you've told me," Bailey spoke up. Her face was a mix of confused and irritated. She didn't play when it came to her friend's feelings.

"You're her best friend. Of course, I'm going to only say good things about her to you," Jamie said.

"Then why don't you tell me how you really feel about her," Bailey said, leaning in. She was now staring directly at him and it wasn't a good stare.

"I think that she's very clingy. She texts me every day and I don't always have time to answer her. I'm a busy guy and clearly, she has all the time in the world on her hands. She's obsessed with me. So to answer your question, no I'm not close with her nor am I interested in her," he said before going quiet.

Did he really just say that? He couldn't actually be serious right now. He was the one who would text me every day. I never wanted to bother him because I know he has a busy life so I would wait for him to text me first. Sometimes I would text him when I was bored but I always gave him space when he needed it. He would call me and constantly ask to talk so I think this is the other way around.

"Good to know," Bailey said before leaning back again. She looked down at her phone and gave me a sad look. I rolled my eyes and paused the screen so I could text Jamie myself.

"Yeah good to know," I texted him. I waited a moment and after a minute, he opened the text. Who's obsessed with who now?

I didn't want to deal with it anymore at the moment. I unpaused my screen and spoke to Bailey because I knew she still had her airpods in.

"I'm gonna go now," I said to her.

She gave me a sad look once more and then nodded her head before I pushed the red end call button. Right after that, I had receive three texts from different people.

"I'm sorry girl. I didn't know that would happen," Bailey texted.

"Bailey walked out and I went after her to see what happened. I'm sorry Jamie spoke about you that way. That wasn't right," Britain texted. He and I had become fairly close as well but in more of a more friendly way.

"Can we talk?" Jamie texted.

I groaned and shoved my face into the pillow. I should've known that something like this would happen. And to think he would be different than other snobby celebrities. I guess not.

I went through and answered everyone's text messages.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get over it in a bit. I'm glad I knew how he felt now rather than later," I texted Bailey.

"I know it wasn't right but there's nothing we can do about it now," I texted Britain.

Now it was time to text Jamie back.

"No, we cannot talk. I think I've heard quite enough from you today. I was never "obsessed" with you. I simply thought there was something going on between us but clearly not. So no I'm not in the mood to talk with you right now. Have a good rest of your day," I texted him.

And with that, I shut my phone off and turned my show back on. I needed to take some time for myself and ignore everyone at that moment, especially Jamie. He may not like it but that's what he gets for lying to me or even his friends about how he felt. 

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