Imagine... A Girl Is Rude To You

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*Some context. You're dating in this one and a couple of fans run into you and him in public.*

Today, Jamie and I decided that we wanted to walk around the city to look at some shops and a few touristy places in the area. We normally liked to do things to keep us busy instead of staying cooped up in the house. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out at home but I also love being out and about.

We walked down the sidewalk as people walked passed us, in front of us, and behind us. This was normally a busy area so the amount of people was expected. As we continued walking, Jamie walking by my side, we heard a sudden shriek behind us.

We both stopped and turned around to see what it was. There was a group of girls standing a few feet behind us staring directly at Jamie.

"Omg, it's actually him!" One of the girls said.

Jamie's eyes went slightly wide and he turned around quickly. He tugged on my arm to have me follow him but it was too late. The girls were already approaching.

They quickly shoved past any of the people around Jamie to get close to him, that included me. One of them shoved past me, almost knocking me down. Those fangirls are crazy as hell sometimes.

"Hey ladies," Jamie said awkwardly.

"Oh my god hi, Jamie," one of them replied.

"Can we get pictures with you?" Another one said.

"Sure," he replied. I could tell he just wanted to get them away.

One of the girls walked over to me and handed her phone to me.

"Take a picture of us," she said as I took the phone and she walked over to Jamie. Each of them took turns handing me their phones and then posing next to Jamie.

After they were done, I moved past them and tried to stand next to Jamie but they weren't letting me.

"Uhm we're still talking to him," one of them said rudely.

"Well girls I hate to break it to you but I was talking to him first," I said matching her tone.

"It doesn't matter. We're talking to him now," another girl said, stepping closer to me. I stepped back so she wouldn't be as close to me. I didn't like people getting in my personal space.

"Mmmm mhmm. Well, you've gotten your pictures and all but we have to go," I said trying to get closer to Jamie again. One of the girls stood in front of me to block my path.

"What do you mean WE?" She asked.

"Actually, girls, this is my lovely girlfriend Y/n. Say hello love," Jamie said pushing past them and now standing next to me.

The girl's eyes went wide as they looked back and forth between Jamie and I. They were speechless and they looked at each other to figure out what to say.

"And I don't exactly appreciate the way you were talking to her a moment ago," he continued.

"Well... we thought that she was a fan like us..." one of the girls said.

"Unfortunately for you guys, I'm not only a fan but I'm his biggest fan. His girlfriend," I said, smirking.

One of the girls glared and the others looked at each other awkwardly, trying to figure out what to do next.

"It was nice to meet you but we must be going now. Goodbye," Jamie said as he grabbed my hand and lead me away from them.

"Bye, Jamie!" The girls said in unison.

Once we were far away from them, Jamie let out a sigh.

"You got some bitchy fans," I said chuckling.

"Tell me about it."

*This one was hella short but I'm in a writing mood. I figured I'd add a little drama in a few of these now that I've gotten through the generic ones. If you guys ever have any ideas, don't hesitate to comment or dm me. I'm always open to suggestions.*

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