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Set during the end of season 11 the ice chapter

Lloyd's povs

Akita kiss my cheek. I looked at her."Lloyd. The portal is closing."Said Sorla. I turned to Akita. I then saw Vex, he was going to throw a blade at Akita! I pushed Akita out of the way. The blade hit my chest. Everyone stood in shock. I fell to the ground. I closed my eyes...

Akita's povs

I froze when Lloyd fell to the ground. I heard Vex laugh. I threw a blade at his chest like he did to Lloyd. Vex fell to the ground, but we didn't care. I ran over to Lloyd. His blood was spilling endlessly on the ground. I shook him, begging him to wake up. Tears started to fall off my face. My brother came to comfont me. Sorla came and picked Lloyd up and carried him into the portal. I wiped the rest of my tears as I watched Sorla carry Lloyd into the faded portal.

Nya's povs

We were waiting for Lloyd to come when we saw a human figure coming through the portal carrying another human figure. That was weird. When the person came out we saw who it was.....and who she was carrying. It was Sorla holding Lloyd. Lloyd had a blade sticking out of his chest with blood all over him. We all gasped. I sobbed. Wu went to check his pulse. He looked at us sadly and shook his head. Sorla said she was sorry and if we needed anything we knew where to find her. She then quickly went back to the portal. We all started to cry. Our leader is gone. No, our brother. How will we ever move on without him?

Lloyd's povs 

I woke up in a meadow."Hello Lloyd Garmadon." Said a voice. The FSM! I kneeled down."I want you to see someone."He said when I stood up. He stepped aside and there stood Harumi. Harumi. I ran toward her to give her a hug, she hugged back."Lloyd? Why are you happy to see me?"She asked when we broke the hug."Because I love you. And I am sorry for not coming back for you." I said."You have no right to say sorry. And Lloyd?"She asked."What?"I asked."I love you too." She said. She then kissed me, I kissed back. When we broke it, the FSM said:"Lloyd you have a choice: You can stay here and stay with Harumi or you can go back with your friends." I thought for a moment. My friends or the love of my life."I would like to stay with Harumi. I can't leave her again." I replied. Harumi gasped."Y-you are staying? After everything I did?"She asked."Like I said: I love you. I can't live without you Rumi."I said. I then kissed her, she kissed me back. I am excited to be with the girl of my dreams.

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