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Ugh. Nothing is worse than being solo at the prom....Especially when all my friends have dates! Lloyd thought to himself, looking at his friends having the time of their lives and being in love. He didn't mind being single, he had been single the whole time during high school. He just didn't see anyone who was worth dating or worth his time. Besides, who needs a girlfriend anyway? He had his friends, he didn't need a picky girlfriend picking fights with him or judging him. But he had to admit, this day was pretty low. Even for him. All day he had been dreading. 

Maybe because after four years of high school he still didn't know who he was and what he wanted to do. All of his friends had it all figured out, most of them had figured it out when they were kids. And him? He doesn't have a clue what he is going to do with his life! He doesn't have good grades,(He is surprised that he can even leave this stupid school with the wanna bees students)He is broke, and lives in Kai and Nya's basement after his mom died from cancer. And he didn't even try to get into college, because of the previous reasons. He would drop out the second day he arrived at college. 

He would be hated for it. He knew as a matter of fact that his mother was rolling the grave for him. For him being a complete disappointment. And in his father's words, a disgrace to the Garmadon's name. But maybe that was a bit too much. He thought to himself. He then shook his head. Nah. Maybe too little. He thought of himself taking another sip of punch.

"Are you just going to be a party pooper the whole time, little brother?"Asked Kai, as he and Skylor were walking towards him."What do you expect me to do, Kai? I am not interested in dating anyone. And you dragged me down to this bottom of the whole hell place."Lloyd snapped."Okay. One, lighten up! This is the last time we will be here all together for years! Two, LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN!"He cried out, messing up Lloyd's hair."Stop it, Kai!"Lloyd cried out. After a few moments, Kai had stopped, that's when Nya and Jay came over."How come you didn't bring a date?"Asked Nya.

"Because he is too shy and is a big baby."Answered Kai."That is not true. I just don't think anyone is worth dating, that's all."Lloyd said."Not even her?"Asked Skylor pointing at the white haired girl, leaning against the bleachers, while on her phone. Lloyd gagged."Seriously Skylor? Me and Harumi hate each other!"Lloyd exclaimed."Hate? Or are you falling looooooovvvvveee?"Asked Kai in a really annoying voice. Lloyd rolled his eyes."You are really bad at reading signs, Kai."Lloyd said."He is also bad at reading."Added Nya."Hey! TBTR is a real thing!"Kai defended."What's that?"Asked Skylor."To Bored To Read."Answered Kai. This time everyone rolled their eyes at Kai.

"You know you can't be inside your no fun shell all your life! Come on! Dating is fun!"Exclaimed Kai."Easy for you to say Kai. You aren't the son of the greatest villain in Ninjago. Who died trying to take over a stupid city."Muttered Lloyd. Kai frowned."Well, you are in luck little brother because I am going to drag you over to Harumi and make you ask her to dance with her!"Exclaimed Kai."No! I hate her! And she hates me! Don't you understand that?!"He demanded.

"Okay....Then why is she walking towards you?"Asked Kai in a sweet voice."Wait what?!"Cried out Lloyd, looking over to where Harumi was. Unfortunly, Kai was not kidding. She was walking towards him."What. Did. You. Do?!"Demanded Lloyd in a cold voice."Someone had to get you two together. And don't put the blame on me! It was also Skylor's idea!"Exclaimed Kai."Anyway! You two kids have fun!"Exclaimed Skylor, when everyone was walking away."What! Don't leave me with that witch!"Exclaimed Lloyd. But the others paid no mind. Lloyd groaned."Could this night get any worse?"He wondered.

Harumi then stopped by the snack table, and took some punch.....4 feet away from Lloyd. Lloyd tapped his fingers on the table, feeling nothing but awkwardness."Must you do that?!"Demanded Harumi angrily."Do what?!"He demanded."Tap your fingers! It's almost as annoying as you!"She yelled."Not as annoying as you!"He cried out."UGH! You are like a child, Lloyd Garmadon!"She snapped."I know what you are but what am I?"He blurted out quickly. God, I am an idiot. He thought bitterly."What? What the hell is wrong with you?!"She demanded."What the hell is wrong with you?!"He demanded."What possibly could be wrong with me!?"She asked."Everything!"He cried out."Same with you!"She shot back. 

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