Episode 10-A duel

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1 march( saturday)
"*Yawn* morning Scara!"
"Morning Ae~"
"Ooo! Smells nice what ya making?" I aksed

"Pancakes, want some?"

"Sure! They do smell nice!"

Scara placed the pancakes on a plate, and we ate breakfast in silence.

"So....." I said

"Hm?" Asked Scara

"What do you want to do?" I aksed

"Eh.. I don't know, but im going out with my mum. She want to go shopping with Miko and she wants me to tag along. She gave me an option if i want to go with them or not. And when I chose not to go, she insisted that I go with them becuase staying indoors too much is not good for me." Scara replied with annoyance.

I could honestly feel his pain, giving an option on wheather you want or don't want to go but in the end your forced to go.

"Anyways I got to go my mum is waiting for me, cya"


Later that day...

"Scara left with his mothers, now what should I do? Amber is out, kazuha is busy with his sword club And I'm all alone.. Eh, atleast i can have the whole, day to myself, that is if Chloe leaves me alone." But guess what? I jinxed it becuase Chloe screamed my name and I almost went deaf!

"Aether~ I missed you how have you been?" Chloe pouted her lips which made her look like a duck. "Um chloe don't you thin-"

"Anyways, do you want to join the sword club? I promise it will be fun when I'm there! Oh and I'll even teach you some of my swords moves!"

"Actually I-"

"So its a yes? great follow me!" I wasen't even following her at this point, but she is dragging me!

"Guys look I brought someone!"

I looked around a saw a person wearing a white sweatshirt with shoulder length hair, when he turned around, I was surprised to see it was Kazuha!

"Heya Kaz!"

"Hello Aether! What brings you here?" Kazuha asked as he walked towards me

"Actually Ch-" Before i could finish what i wanted to say, Chloe interupted me. AGAIN.

"He wanted to join the swords club, music club was getting a little too boring and-"

"CHLOE! ENOUGH!" I could tell Chloe was shocked by my sudden outburst

"Hey! What was that for?"

"I didn't say i wanted to join the swords club and i never said anything about my club being boring! Stop making up crappy lies and getting me involved! I don't like you, and I HATE you!" I shouted, leaving everyone in the room in shock.


".....I accept."

"Great then after this duel no more fighting between the both of you." We took the swords and got ready to cross blades.

"CLANG!" Chloe's sword flew out of her hand, leaving her in defeat.

"T-this can't be! How did I lose..."

"Face it, you lost. Now leave me alone." I said in a cold tone and walked away.

From that day, Chloe had stopped bothering me, which was a good thing. But I have a feeling she wasen't going to accept it like this.


FINALLY DONE! 521 WORDS! anyways while you're reading this, im working on another serise


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