Chapter thirty three

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Noah's POV:

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Noah's POV:

She has been in the hospital bed for 2 days. The doctors said that her cancer is making it difficult for her tissues to heal, but I know deep down that my Rose will open those blue eyes; the boys don't know about her cancer yet.

I haven't slept since we brought her home. Instead, I sat next to her, holding her hands. Sebastian is now the one who takes care of the work. The boys always come here to visit her; they leave at night and come back early in the morning.

Apparently, she didn't eat the whole time he was there, and every time I think of what might have happened to her, my heart aches.

"Noah." I look at the door; my eyes are heavy, but I don't dare go to rest; we will leave this hospital together.

"You've been sitting there for exactly 2 days; take some rest." Rowan sighs as he stands at the doorframe. I can't fucking rest when she's here; my heart still hurts that I left her and let her go.

"I'll take a rest with her when we return to our house," I mumble and glare at Rowan. He rolls his eyes and nods, turning around and walking away again. I fix my eyes on my Rose, who is lying on the huge bed; her face is pale, but her ginger hair still falls beautifully onto the bed.

She's beautiful in all conditions.

One thing I knew immediately: I would die before allowing anything to happen to Rose again. I can't lose her. The feelings I had for that girl were increasing more and more every day, and it was becoming harder to ignore them. Everything about her made me want to keep her for the rest of my life—her face, her smile, her laugh, her waist, her eyes—damn.

I believe it has been confirmed that I am whipped.

I never thought that this day would come, honestly. Rose is different, and I've known that since the first time I laid eyes on her.

I watch her chest rise and fall, guilt growing in me whenever I have a look at the love of my life on the bed.

"I love you," I murmur as I rest my forehead on her arm and hold his arm tightly.

For the first time in years, my eyes began burning, and the water made my eyes moist with tears. What the hell?

But I can't prevent it; my heart hurts while my grip on her tightens. I don't want to let her go.

Isabella's POV:

My eyes open as I feel my whole body numb and my head pounding. I still don't process everything that happened lately; my head hurts. I am placed in a white room, so I am in a hospital.

I look at my arm to see a black-haired man placing his face on top of my arm.

Kidnaped, Ava?

I feel liquid rush through my left arm. I assume that my cuts re-open, maybe because of how heavy his head is.

I didn't move from my place, and he didn't notice that I woke up; he was still lying on top of my arm.

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