The Spector

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It would come as a shock to most, but not all the engines look forward to halloween. The fireworks can prove to be too much for some, and they often find the constant spooky stories rather boring. However, some are actually scared of these stories, and try to avoid the parties altogether. One evening, not long before Halloween, Donald returned to the shed, his paint was grubby, and black soot shot from the twins funnel!
"Loch sake!" Douglas laughed! "Are you alright Donal'?"
"Aye." Donald replied, feebly. "Took on bad coal this mernin! I'll be alright.."
"You certainly don't sound it!" Bear interjected. "We should get you cleared out!"
"Or you could end up like the Breakdown Train of the Bridge.." Everyone's attention turned to Rick, sitting smugly in the corner of the sheds.
"It's too early for that claptrap!" Sneered Cayden! "Pipe down! I need a sleep!"
"Or are you afraid?" Rick sneered. "Too scared of a simple tale about a breakdown train?"
"I AM NOT!" Cayden retorted! "Fine! Tell your stupid story!"
Rick snickered, and began his tale.

Along time ago, back in the early years of the railway. The railways were being connected. Each day, one of the engines would have to shuttle the breakdown train to the viaduct, where the bridge was being laid. This was before The Fat Controller took over, so the engines were in terrible condition, and were not as well maintained as they are these days. One evening, one of the engines had taken on bad coal, and was preparing to take the cranes home. All of a sudden, sparks shot out from the engine's funnel, and caught the breakdown train on fire! The engine was able to get the workmen off the bridge in time, but the crane and bridge burnt to a crisp. Rumors have it, that if you aren't careful at night, the specter will come looking for you, and enact the same fate it had all those years.

The engines turned to Cayden, who watched with wide eyes.
"Erm.. Wh... What a load of old nonsense!" He finally blurted out! "Ghosts! PAH! Rubbish!"
"You dinn'e sound too sure?" Donald said. "Ye want uz to leave the shed light on tonight?"
"Well!... Well!... Hamilton will be returning late!" Cayden spluttered. "You know how he is about leaving the light on!...And let's not forget about Harper! You know how she gets whenever we leave it off!"
"Oh really!?" Callan interjected. "I thought she liked the dark."
The other engines could only laugh! Leaving Cayden to sit, and seeth to himself.

The next day, Cayden was back to work, collecting his usual trains, doing the same old thing. However, no matter what he did, he couldn't shake Rick's story out of his mind. He spoke to his crew about this at the works station.
"What we need to do." Said the driver. "Is give the other engines a good fright!"
"Yeah?" Cayden huffed. "But how?"
"Well." She said, and whispered her plan to Cayden. By the time she was done, Cayden had a big smile on his face.
"That'll teach them!" He laughed!

However, things didn't exactly go as planned. Little did Cayden know, but that night, was Halloween. And while everyone went off for the party, and to hear the stories, or even just to feel not alone, Cayden was called away to help take a train. It was late when he returned, however, the party was still going.
"Let's be quick!" Cayden snorted! "I need to get to the shed before the others!"
Not too far down the line, Rick had also returned. He had taken a long goods train to the other railway. He was just going to sleep, when he noticed fog, beginning to creep through the shed doors.
"What?" He mumbled. "What's going on out there?"
Suddenly, the doors began to rattle! Rick got so frightened, he nearly jumped off the rails!
"Who's there!?" He barked! "SHOW YOURSELF!"
To Rick's horror, the shed doors finally gave in! And the shape of a breakdown train appeared where the doors once stood!
"GHOST!" Rick cried! And closed his eyes tight! When he opened his eyes, he found the shape of the crane, casting a shadow on the floor in front of him! "HELP!"
He cried! But he stopped when he heard the laughter of another engine. Rick paused, as the shed lights came on! There, stood Cayden! It all came rushing to Rick in that instant!
"You tricked me!" Rick snapped!
"Well jokes on you! I wasn't scared!"
"Sure you weren't." Cayden replied. After a little while, Rick was able to laugh about it too.
"May I ask?" He said at last. "How did you bash the doors down, and move to the other side so quickly?"
Cayden was confused.
"What? I only moved by the side of the sheds, casting that shadow?"
"But... Who pushed the breakdown train into the shed?" Rick gasped! "If you were there, and everyone else was at the party that...."
The two engines went pale..
"You don't think!" Cayden whimpered. But no one said another word. For a long time, neither would say a word, or would become uncomfortable at the subject of ghosts. 

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