Cayden Smokes the Tunnel

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Bad coal had arrived to Sodor. It was chunky, and didn't burn well. To solve this, The Fat Controller scheduled less trains, to give the engines more time to catch their breath. This, put some of the engines in the worst mood! One evening, Cayden was taking a goods train, he was making good time, however, he soon found himself becoming stuffed up!
"N... Ne..... Nearly... THERE!" Cayden grunted! Before his driver could check him, Cayden jolted forward! Before he came to a complete standstill! "Botheration!"
Snarled Cayden.
"What's the matter?" Came the voice of Roy, from the back of the train.
"Broken down!" Snarled Cayden! "Stupid coal!"
Luckily, Cayden's crew were able to clear him out quickly, and the big green engine was quickly on his way!

Cayden was still fussing when he returned to the sheds, that night!
"This wretched coal!" He grumbled. "It's caused nothing but bad luck! We should just get rid of it altogether!"
"And, that's what we're trying." Edward replied. "But it's not that easy. We need to keep this railway going, and we can't if we just get rid of all the coal!"
"But it's getting more and more dangerous!" Cayden retorted! "It's bound to cause problems!"
"Aye." Donald replied. "But Edward's right! We cannie just throw everything aside, we do need te keep movin!"
"Something needs to be done!" Insisted Cayden! "I'll prove it to you lot! You see if I don't!"
"Don't be irrational!" Russel snorted! Cayden huffed crossly, he didn't feel like arguing. He was convinced he was in the right.

The next morning, Henry's fire wouldn't light.
"It must be this coal!" Snapped Henry's stoker! "He can't pull the train today!"
"We'll have to get another engine to cover his train." The Fat Controller said. The only engine available, was Cayden. Who, was furious.
"ME!?" He cried! "But.. But I can't!"
"We've got no other choice!" Replied his driver. "Now come on!"
Cayden took a while to steam up, but once he was, he sputtered out of the shed! Thick black smoke bouncing off the shed walls. Edward and Donald watched from the corner of the shed, and exchanged worried looks.

Cayden was soon on his way.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Roy called out! "You shouldn't be out, when your condition is like this!"
"Does it look like I have any other choice!?" Cayden snapped! "Curse this coal! It'll bring the death of me!"
Up ahead, was Henry's Tunnel. To Cayden, it looked like a demon. But he had enough on his mind!
"Is it just me!?" He grunted. "Or am I getting slower!?"
He was, Cayden entered the tunnel, and soon found he had come to a complete stop!
"Bother!" He panted! "Could this get any worse!?"
Then there was trouble. As his crew tried to build up his fire, Cayden began to feel something in his funnel.
"Whats... That!?" Cayden gasped! Before his driver could reply, there was a thunderous FWOOSH! Cayden's funnel had been blocked by ash and soot! His tubes, now miraculously unclogged, had been released with steam, which shot out in all directions!
"OH!" Roy yelped! "FIRE!"
"WHAT!?" Cried Cayden! To his horror, Cayden and his crew noticed a small fire building up along the tunnel wall! "OH NO!"
Hissed Cayden!
"You've used up all of your steam with that stunt!" Snapped the driver! "We'll be out, as soon as your steam pressures back to normal!"
Cayden and his crew watched as the fire crept along the wall! Reaching further and further down the train! It's burning hot tongues lashing out against Cayden's boiler! The heat becoming more and more unbearable with each passing second! Suddenly, Cayden felt himself moving!
"NOW!" Shouted the driver! She threw open the regulator! And Cayden shot forward! He burst into the daylight! Whistling triumphantly as he raced out!
"Well done!" Called the fireman! "We've done it!"
Cayden brought the train to the nearest signal box, and the signalman phoned the fire brigade.

The fire brigade quickly put out the fire, and luckily, the tunnel wasn't badly damaged. That night, Cayden returned to the shed, to see what could only be described as a meeting forming in front of his eyes!
"Erm, what's all this?" He asked. Coming to a stop.
"Not sure." Donald replied. "The Fat Controller's aboout to tell uz."
And seconds later, The Fat Controller appeared.
"I have been informed." He began. "That today, a fire was spread in Henry's tunnel. If it wasn't for the quick thinking of Cayden and his crew, we would not have them here right now."
Cayden blushed, and looked at his buffers.
"And, I am also aware that these past few days have been tough on all. And I know the cause of the issue. So.." He paused impressively. "Tomorrow, we'll be receiving a fresh batch o-.."
He was interrupted by a chorus of cheers and whistles! The Fat Controller could only shake his head, and laugh. And, the next day, the bad coal was gone! And life returned to normal! Although, for a long time afterwards, Cayden would become very cocky at the slightest mention of the subject of fires.

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