Derek and the Express

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Gordon was at the works being mended. So, The Fat Controller needed another engine to take the express. He chose Thompson.
"You're versatile." He explained to the big green engine. "Your natural strength and speed will be most useful for the express!"
Thompson smirked.
"About time eh!?" He laughed. One engine who had never taken the express, was Derek. He was delegated to smaller goods trains. While Derek didn't mind, Thompson took delight in riling the diesel engine up!
"It's a shame!" Thompson exclaimed! "You were built to replace steam engines, and yet, it's a steam engine to take over the express! Remind me, what are you doing tomorrow?"
"Dunno." Replied Derek, plainly. "I'd assume it's just more of the same."
"Doesn't that pain you?" Thompson replied. "Doing the same thing over and over again! Doesn't it ever get to you!?"
"No." Derek replied. "It doesn't."
"It must be awful being this mind numbingly boring!" Snapped Thompson! "Come on! Where's the excitement in your life!"
"When you inevitably break down." Snapped Derek. Finally having enough of Thompson's rubbish. "I'm not built for express work! And I understand that! Maybe you need to learn to grow up!"
"Excuse me!" Huffed Thompson! "That's funny coming from you! Learn to get new things, and maybe you'll go somewhere!"
The two engines bickered all night! And only stopped when Thompson left for his first express service.
"Stupid engine!" Sneered Derek. "I have no patience!"
"He does make a point, sort of." Dudley interjected.
"What do you mean!?" Derek cried!
"Well, you do just do the same things all the time." Dudley explained. "He comes off as rude, but he does only want the best for you!"
"He certainly doesn't act like it!" Derek sneered, and he too set out.

The days passed, and Thompson was still bosting!
"Pride of the line!" He huffed! "Shame you aren't like me!"
Derek did his best to ignore the comments, although it did bother him. Then, one morning, there was trouble. Derek was being prepared for his morning goods. When he noticed Thompson, looking forlorn. Due to the extra workload, Thompson was in need of maintenance.
"The only engine available is York. But he's at Wellsworth." Explained the shed master. "If we can somehow get the express there, York can take it on."
The Fat Controller thought for a moment, before he looked at Derek.
"Perfect!" He exclaimed! And he hurried over! "Derek!"
The Fat Controller said.
"You're the perfect engine for the job! Thompson is ill!" He explained. "York is available to take the express, but he's at Edward's station."
"If I do say." Interjected Derek's second woman. "Derek's not strong enough to pull the express."
"He's also been a poor performer." Added the driver. "I don'd think he'll even make id out of the sdation!"
"It's only up to Edward's Station." Reasoned The Fat Controller. "So it shouldn't take too much of a toll on his engine."
"I think it's worth a shot!" Derek added. "Besides, it'll show that Thompson a thing or two!"
"Very well." His driver sighed. "Just dake care."

Derek reached the big station, and was coupled onto the express. The guard blew her whistle, Derek's engine roared! And he set off! At first, things seemed like they were going well, and they costed through the first station. However, soon, Derek began feeling tired!
"Phew!" Derek panted! "I didn't think the express would be this heavy!"
"Pace yourself old boy!" Called the second woman! "You can do it!"
Derek's engine roared once more! He began to feel hot!
"Oh dear! Oh dear!" Derek coughed! "I can't go on!"
"Yes you can!" Cheered the driver. "You can do id Derek!"
"Go Derek! Go!" Derek and his crew looked back! The guard was sticking out of the last coach! She was chanting, and to their amazement, the passengers started chanting too! Derek's engine roared again! But he carried on! The sound was deafening! At last, Edward's Station came into view! York and Donald watched with amazement, as Derek rolled into the station, to a chorus of cheers and whistles! With a POP! And a BANG! Derek's engine finally gave out! Black smoke poured out from every crevice! Donald took Derek off the train, and shunted him into the goods shed, to cool down. As he left, York gave a hearty whistle!
"Top rate work!" York cheered! "Well done!"
Derek didn't have the strength to reply. But he smiled, triumphantly.

That night, when Derek returned, he found a shed, full of talk! To his surprise, they were all talking about him! Mostly.
"Well done with the express today!" Said Gordon, who had returned that afternoon. "I heard you did a tremendous job!"
"He did!" Replied York! "He had the passengers cheering! Thats more than Thompson could say!"
Thompson looked at his buffers.
"Well. What do you have to say?" Dudley smiled.
"Nothing." Replied Thompson. "Nothing at all."
Derek beamed!
"I must admit." He said. "While it's nice to have a change, I'm looking forward to taking my usual trains, tomorrow!"
"And so is Thompson!" Teased Rick! Thompson, just gritted his teeth.

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