Chuffed to Bits

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Grolton and Hovris are two big orange tank engines. Often seen taking passengers or goods, the two tank engines are seen as versatile as they come. However, like most engines, they have their faults. And I'm not talking about their personalities. Mechanically, they're failures. They both are rough riders, and if they travel too fast, they are known to rattle themselves to pieces! They never took any faster mainline trains, so this never presented itself as a problem. Until one night, Gordon was ill. Workmen worked hard to make him better, but it was no good.
"Put a cutters torch through my smokebox!" Wailed George! "It'd be better than dealing with this all night!"
"Curse it being a weekend." Grumbled Thomas. "I would be out with the mail by now!"
"Lucky." Grolton replied. "Anything's better than being here right about now."
Gordon coughed and spluttered all throughout the night! Keeping the other engines wide awake!

By the time morning came, nothing changed. The shedmaster spoke to The Fat Controller, before approaching the engines.
"Gordon needs new tubes." She explained. "We'll need one of you to cover his express."
"I'll do it ma'am!" Hovris cut in! "I can take the train!"
"Very well." Replied the shedmaster. "Hurry along and collect your coaches, please!"
Grolton was anxious.
"You shouldn't be takin such a train!" He protested! "We aren't capable of such high speeds! You know what happens!"
"It's just one train!" Hovris snapped defensively! "Like one train's gonna kill me!"
"Besides!" He added. "I've never pulled the express! I'm chuffed to be given the honor!"
"And everyone else is jealous!" Grolton pleaded! "Come on Hovris! I get not wanting to look weak, but is this really the way to do it?"
"Easily." Smirked Hovris. "Nothing to it!"
"Take care at least." Edward added. "The mainline can be unpredictable!"
"Whatever, old man!" Hovris sniffed, and he set off to fetch his coaches! Leaving a nervous twin behind...

The express looked full to the brim, as Hovris backed down onto the train! Who was now brimming with excitement!
"Calm yaself!" Eased his driver. "Calm down!"
"Don't wanna rattle yourself to bits eh?" Added the stoker.
"No. Certainly not." Replied Hovris. "Wouldn't want to let the passengers down."
At last, the guard blew her whistle. And Hovris started with a jerk! The coaches gritted their teeth, but followed on!

At first, the run was going well, but by the time they passed the first station, Hovris' crew were being tossed about in the cab!
"Settle lad!" Shouted the driver! "Rilassati, cazzo!"
But Hovris wasn't listening! Truthfully, it would've been better if he had. They were forced to stop at the junction station, because one of the brake pipes had shaken itself loose! Then, at the next station, one of the coaches brakes had slipped on!
"Miserable coaches!" Barked Hovris! "Bein held up because you lot don't know how to behave!"
"For the love of god!" Cried the coaches "Stop throwing us around like a sports ball!"
The passengers weren't best pleased either.
"Such a rough engine!" They said. "It's clear he's not an express engine!"
But Hovris didn't pay attention! Even then, he was over the moon!
"I'm an express engine now!" He chuffed! "No longer deligaited to goods trains!"

He rocketed through Edward's station in fine style! Not even whistling for Alan to come and bank the train! He charged the hill! Puffing and snorting with all his might! He felt his systems grind, and his wheels strain, but Hovris didn't stop!
And then, it all became easier! Hovris' driver let out a sigh of relief, as with one last effort! Hovris reached the top of the hill!
"Phew!" He puffed! "Glad we didn't stop there! Grolton would've never.-"
He was interrupted by a loud clanking sound! And something whizzing by the cab!
"Huh." Said Hovris. "That's odd."
Then there was trouble. As Hovris scuttled through the station, he felt more bits and pieces come flying off!
Parts flashed by the cab, and bounced off the station platform! Some even hit the coaches! Hovris' crew threw on the brakes, and brought the train to a screaming halt on the open mainline! The coaches just clear of the platform!
"Oh dear." Hovris puffed. "Grolton was right."
"Tu pensi cazzo!?" Barked the driver!

He was soon brought to the works by Watson, onboard his stopping goods. The Fat Controller was waiting. He spoke to the crew, then to Hovris.
"You did well to get so far." The Fat Controller soothed. "And I'm very proud of you! As a reward, when you're mended, I'll ask the workmen to give you a fresh coat of paint!"
Hovris was thrilled! He didn't expect a reward for not finishing a train.

When he returned home a week later, he found Grolton resting, after taking his local passenger service. Grolton opened a sleepy eye.
"How was the express then?" He yawned. Hovris laughed.
"Oh, it was lovely!" He said. "Great fun too! Right good and chuffed I felt!"
"Chuffed to bits, you might say?" Grolton replied, flatly. Hovris scowled, and set off to fetch his own train.

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