York the Rock-Star

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"What are you doin?" Bill grunted. He watched his crew dither around a small tube-like thing. His crew didn't reply. "What are you doin?"
Thankfully, his guard held the answer.
"They're setting up the blue-tooth." Gladice explained. "Hopefully, they'll be able to play music or podcasts while on the footplate. It was Babs' idea"
"Pooh!" Bill scoffed! "That's just silly, innit!?"
"If it makes my daughter happy, I don't mind what you think." Bill huffed crossly!
"Hope this isn't a trend!"

Sadly, it was. It had been a long day for York. He'd been taking heavy goods trains across the whole island! By the time he returned home, York was exhausted! He'd just left the turntable, when The Fat Controller hurried into the shed!
"Is anyone still in steam!?" He cried! York felt all eyes turn to him.
"I am.. Sir.." York said, feeling tense. "Wh.. Why? What's the matter?"
"Terry's still being mended." The Fat Controller explained. "I need someone to cover his late night goods train!"
"And I suppose that'll be me, right?" York sighed. The Fat Controller nodded.
"I'm afraid so." He replied. "Up to the works."
"Take my advice!" Donald's driver smiled. "Listen to some intense music on the foot-plate! Maybe some rock music?"
"Thank you!" Beamed the driver. Once he'd been readied, York set out for the harbour. As he left, his driver and stoker turned on the speaker, blasting out the loudest rock music York had ever heard!
"That's a noise complaint waiting to happen." Joked The Fat Controller.

York left the harbour, more awake than he'd been in years! The music was so loud, it about rattled his smokebox to pieces!
"I WISH THEY'D TURN IT DOWN!" York shouted, trying to hear his own voice. Even his crew were struggling!
"WE NEED MORE STEAM FOR THE HILL!" Shouted the stoker. The driver looked confused.
"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?" She replied!
"FOR FUCK SAKE!" The sound was deafening! People opened their windows in confusion, as York roared by! His face was as red as his paintwork.

At last, the rock and roll train clanked into the works station. The yard foreman was very confused.
"What the hell are you lot doing?" She spluttered.
"Keeping ourselves awake with music." The stoker sighed. "It works... very well too."
"I think it did more than just that!" Came a voice from the works shed. York almost perked up.
"Who was that!?" He asked. "That didn't sound like Terry!"
"Wanna see?" Jaidan's wide grin worried the big red engine. Slowly, she took them through the works shed, past the wide awake, and very fascinated Terry, and brought them to the back. There, on a turntable, stood an engine.
"You a rock-star or somethin?" Sneered the engine.
"I wasn't trying to be.." York blushed.
"This is our newest project." Jaidan wiped a tear from her eyes. "Isn't he beautiful?"
"Not really." York replied. Quite honestly. The engine huffed crossly.
"Mind keepin this on the downlow?" The yard foreman rubbed the back of her neck. "Don't need everyone on the whole island knowing we've gotten ourselves a new engine."
"We won't say a word." York replied.

The next morning, York was resting at the yard. He'd gotten the morning off, and was enjoying the nice long rest in the sun. As he waited, Bill shuffled in with a train of trucks.
"You heard the news?" Bill asked. "Turns out you're a rock-star now!"
York raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, really? How come?" Bill's guard turned her phone in York's direction. She read the headline aloud.
"Loud rock music blasted by engine! Citizens call into question the midnight rock-star!"
"Oh dear.." York blushed. "I didn't think I was that musically gifted."

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