Roll With It

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One morning, Hugh, the lorry, arrived at the yard to find River off the rails!
"What happened to you?" The old lorry croaked.
"Rolled over... Again." River replied bluntly. "I was shunting the last of my trucks into place when all of a sudden, I just tipped over!"
Hugh found the situation quite amusing.
"Imagine rolling over!" He cackled. "We lorries never worry about som'in so stupid!"
And he spluttered away, still cackling to himself! River was furious!
"Stupid lorry!" He barked!

The next morning, River was collecting his trucks from the big station, when Hugh clanked by!
"Mind yaself!" He roared! "If som'in throws it'self at ya, just roll with it!"
"Ignore him!" His driver soothed. "Hugh's just trying to rile you up!"
River was indigent.
"Rotten lorry." He grumbled. "I'll show him rolling!"
The guard blew her whistle, and River slowly set off.

Down the road, Hugh was carrying supplies to Edward's station. He was going well, aside from a few coughs from his engine. As he rounded the bend, however, he nor his driver noticed a pot hole in the road! Too late did Hugh see the obstruction! He didn't have time to shout! He rolled over the pothole, bursting his tire with a loud and splitting POP! Hugh felt himself roll to one side, as he limped to a stop! Black smoke pouring from his engine!
"Rats!" He snarled! "That hurt!"
His driver inspected him carefully.
"You've overheated!" He cried! "Awful to add with the burst tire! Looks like you've rolled over!"
Hugh felt himself grow pale. Quickly, the driver nabbed some red flags, and sauntered up the line.

River wasn't too far behind the damaged lorry. The morning run made him feel a little better. Suddenly, his driver noticed the red flag ahead!
"What's that!" River exclaimed! His driver brought the train to a stop, and the guard hurried over, all the while River kept his eyes on the ball of smoke just ahead. At last, Izzy returned.
"Hugh's broken down." She explained. "He was speeding, and hit a pothole too hard and it burst a tire. This has seemed to cause him to overheat."
River couldn't help but chuckle.
"Hahah! Not so careful now are you!" The miserable lorry didn't reply.
"We'll have to move his cargo onto our train, and inform Mina at the next station." His stoker added, before snickering. "Just roll with it eh?"
River was beside himself! Until he saw the downcast look on Hugh's face.
"Chin up." He soothed. "At least I can take your goods! Imagine if you were in the country side!"
Hugh didn't reply. Quickly, the cargo was loaded into River's trucks, and the big orange engine set out. Feeling much better.

That evening, River found Hugh at the works.
"I'm sorry I teased you." Hugh said. "I shouldn't've been so nasty, just because of ya faults."
River tried to figure out if Hugh was still insulting him.
"Oh, that's alright." River replied. "We engines have a duty on this island."
At last, the signal dropped, and River set out. Whistling happily as he did so.

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Into the Thigh-VerseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin