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~the start of something new~


emory will never forget the day she met, nicolas sturniolo. little did the teenage girl know, he would be her lifelong best friend.

it all started on emory's first day of school in boston.

she, her younger brother, austin james, and their dad moved to somerville in the middle of emory's 7th-grade year from nashville . the family moved because emory and austin's mother had passed away a little over a year ago and their dad wanted to move back to his hometown.

why? no one knew.

anytime the kids tried to ask him, he shut it down right then and there.

just like anyone else other teenager that has to start at a new school, emory was nervous. even the school secretary could tell because when she went to pick up her schedule, the secretary held emory's hand and told her "it will all be okay".

emory had a very easy schedule. her first period was english, not her strong suit but wasn't too bad at it. then it was chemistry, math, history, foreign language, then her favorite, physical education.

the girl loved PE. all of it, even the running part. emory always dreamed of becoming a track star, that was until the accident.

emory made it though english, science, math, and history with no problem.

emory entered the gym for her class, and the coach the coach announced that they would be running their mile today.

usually when she heard the words "run" or "mile" she would be ecstatic, but not today.

"why?" you may ask. while running for her school track team back in nashville, she tore her ACL, which made it so that she would never be able to run the same ever again.

when she found out that she couldn't run anymore, she was devastated.

emory was seriously debating on whether she should tell the coach or not, luckily she did, bet only because she didn't want to end up hurting her leg more than she already had, she knew she would feel guilty about not telling the coach.

"hey, coach..." she started to say but then realized she didn't even know her name."lindsey, you must be the new student." coach lindsey said with a smile on her face.

"so, where are you from?" she asked the girl.

"nashville ," emory stated. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm not able to run the mile right at this moment," she said pointing to the knee brace on her right leg.

"oh my, what happened?" lindsey asked the girl."well back home I was in track and at the last meet I ended up tearing my ACL," emory explained.

"Ooh, Ouch, well you can sit in the bleachers while the rest of us run the mile," Coach said giving Emma a warm smile.

Emma went and sat on the bleacher as she was told. She sat there, watching all the other kids struggle."I could already be done," she thought to herself.

after a couple minutes of emma silently judging the boys and girls who were running, she spotted a boy walking towards her, then proceeding to sit near her.

"hey," the random kid said.

"why is this kid talking to me?" she  thought.

"hey..." she responded, just to be nice.

"dude, what happened to your knee, if you don't mind me asking?" the kid said.

"well...  i tore something in my leg." Emma responded.

"man, that must suck"


There was a moment of silence. then emory spoke up. "So why are you up here? i thought coach only let the injured sit out." she said to the boy.

"well I might have told her that 'i tripped and fell and now I can't feel my pinky toe" the boy replied.

The two kids looked at each other and burst into laughter.

after their laughing fit, the boy turned to emory and said "im nick by the way."

"my full name is emory, but my friends call me emma" she responded.

"nice to meet you emma,"nick said, then there was another moment of silence.

"so i guess that means we're friends right?" nick asked.

emory nodded.

"actually" nick said,"we're best friends,"

since that day , emory and nicolas have been inseparable.

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