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fake relationship?!?


to say that the news of emory and matthew's "relationship" spread quickly, was an understatement. by the time emma and matt got home the TikTok video had already gone viral.

on the other hand, the ride home for emory and matthew was awkwardly quiet, neither one of them knew what to say to the other.

when matt and emma arrived home, chris, nick, and austin were already waiting for the two.

emma was the first in the door, with matt following close behind.

when Nick saw them, he jumped up off the couch. "hey, guys..." he said logging onto TikTok and pulling up a video. "what the hell is this?" he asks.

"wow nick you really don't beat around the bush do you?" chris says as matt and emma look at eachother confused.

matt and emma listen to the video closely because the screen is black.

"you and kie are totally dating, right."

"umm no,"

"oh really, then who are you dating?"


"umm Im actually dating... emma."

emma looked at nick, then back at matt.

"what the fuck" matt says. "they recorded the whole thing?" he yells.

"matt," emma says as she puts her hand on his shoulder, trying to get him to calm down.

"look matt we'll figure it all out" nick reassures his brother.


after matt and emma fill chris and austin in on the whole situation, they try and figure out a game plan.

"I think you guys should make a video to put up on youtube or make an Instagram post explaining the whole situation," chris sat down on the couch next to nick. nick, then gave a short laugh,

"wow chris finally had a good idea for once." chris mocked his brother, then turned to face him and told him to 'Shut the fuck up '.

"wait," aj said standing up. "emma, you have been wanting to gain some sort of following so you can finally start your clothing business right?"

  "uh, yeah i guess" emma responded to her little brother. "this might work," aj said.

emma looks around the room at the triplets and her brother.

aj groans. "you and matt could have this whole fake relationship so you could gain some success and then people would be more willing to support your business." he explains.

"I don't think that it will work," chris says. "yeah for once I agree with chris," nick said. "I don't know aj, things could get extremely messy, let us think about it, okay?" emma says.

aj nods, agreeing with his older sister. nick gets up off the couch, along with his two younger brothers.

"we gotta head back home em," nick says giving the girl a hug, while his two brothers were talking to aj. "don't think too hard about it emmy. I love you. text me if you need anything?" emma smiled at nick when he finally let go of her. "I love you too nick and i will."

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