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My alarm beeped meaning it was Monday, my favorite day, not. I quickly jumped out of bed pulled on some ripped black skinny jeans, that when I stole them weren't ripped at all, and an old band T-shirt before lacing up my combat boots. After I was dressed I brushed my black hair into the 'emo' style I've always had and shoved on a grey beanie and a black jacket. I climbed out of my window onto the fire escape, my foster 'dad' would smack me if I woke him up, all the kids here learned that. I touched the ground and started walking towards my school, which started in 45 minutes. I have time to spare, like every day of my life in New York, so I go to Dairy Queen for breakfast. I always order the same hot fudge because 1) I always got it with my mom. 2) I can't read what the sign says very well because of my dyslexia. 3) I like hot fudge in the morning. I got most of the things I own by stealing or street fighting, well its not real fighting no one gets hit very often, its just show. The guy behind the counter knew me by now and told them to prepare a hot fudge sunday. I ate in silence while walking to school. My friend Ash was there waiting with some new kids I'd never seen before. "Hey Neysa, some of my cousins friends are here, I want you to meet them." The three kids turned to me, one had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tan, one had green eyes, black hair, and a tan, the last guy had no tan, he was as pale as me, that's a first, and black hair with dark brown eyes. "Hi there I'm Jason Grace, that's Percy Jackson, and Nico di Angelo." The blonde kid said pointing to the other tan kid then the pale kid. I didn't really care who they were, but I didn't want to disappoint my only friend by being rude. "Hello I'm Neysa Adessi." I said simply, I don't like people at all, but Ash was alright. "What's your schedule Neysa? We might have some classes together." Jason asked. I inwardly sighed, I hated people, I didn't want to see them around, I threw my trash toward the trash bin, I didn't need to look to know it went in. I walked away from the boys, I didn't care what they thought.
I walked to my locker to get my books for first period, Italian, I got to choose what country and language I wanted to learn about, it was an easy class since I'm Italian. When I got to class the three guys were there with Ash. "Neysa, they have some of our classes." Ash said to me, there was no one else in class yet. "Chi io?" I said in Italian, "Don't you dare play dumb Italian with me." Ash said warningly. "Yes you." The pale kid responded to me. I was suprises, I should of known it, his skin was like mine pale but had the old glow of the sun. I knew my eyes were changing from blue to green by how Jason's eyes widened. Kids were coming in now so I took my seat in the corner of the room, Ash came and sat beside me, "I'm sorry. I really don't like most people." I told him, he nodded and looked forward. I was bored in class when I started looking around, everyone had the same style, accept me and the pale kid. He wore black jeans a black T-shirt and a an aviator jacket, similar to my black skinny jeans, band T-shirt, jacket, and beanie. Everyone, besides us, wore regular jeans and a semi-tight T-shirt. I really don't like people, the pale kid seems okay, but he's still a person.

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