❀✿ EᑭIᔕOᗪE TᕼᖇEE ✿❀

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Winona was licking Sonic's arm, after he had removed the glove, for Piper to see the damage...Shadow only left some bruising in the form of a hand when he was gripping the azure male hard. "I'm so sorry Sonic...We didn't have any idea he would be that aggressive" Piper said as she started wrapping up Sonic's arm in some bandages.

Sonic didn't really say anything, as he was left confused as to why the hybrid would hurt him like that, they are the kind of same hybrid right? It still didn't turn him away from wanting to see the WereJackal...if these Hybrids were gonna be staying he might as well try to make friends with them...maybe Shadow's aggression is do to the fact that he was lonely, and hadn't seen a mobain like him before.

"I still want to meet the other newcomer" Sonic said as he slides back back on his glove.

Piper looks at her husband and bites her bottom lip...the weremobian is much bigger than Shadow, but is injured do to that Hunter fight for his life against it...but she really wasn't to sure if it was good idea for Sonic to go see such a large creature, even if it was weak from fighting, but knowing the azure mobian he wasn't gonna take no for an answer, she needed to check on the weremobain anyways. "Okay...but be careful Sonic...He maybe injured but he still put up a fight" she said as she grabs her bag of medical supplies.

Sonic only nodded as he had a soft smile on his face, he was still gonna try to get Shadow to open up to him, he was that determined in getting to know that bull, maybe he could tame that bull, into being nice, kind of like a puppy. "Would that even work? He's not a dog like Winona..." he thought.

Piper opens the door to that little shack that Zero was staying in, much like Shadow he had his own place to stay while he was getting his wounds treated, as soon as he was healed he was allowed to roam the farm, he just had to wear a collar so he didn't try to eat the other farm animals...unlike Shadow he was a bit more understanding of his situations, and his new surroundings, he didn't care much for Piper since she was actually helping him with his wounds, he just didn't like the collie, and Travis, mostly because of their scent.

He grunted as he tried moved, he had a bandage on his left leg from where he got stuck in a bear in trap, when he was fleeing the scene, two bullet wounds on his side from silver bullets from the hunters shooting at him, and some bandages on the side of his face where his eye got scratched from on those hunter's dogs, there was a lot more wounds on his body, but they have completely healed already and was turned into scars, like the chunk of his ear that was missing, the shackle burns on his ankles and wrists.

"Is he okay?"

Zero turned his attention to the azure male that was with Piper, he couldn't help but wonder what made him so special to be able to roam around the farm without consequences.

"Well?" She asked Zero who only rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine..." Zero response.

Sonic gave the jackal a warm smile, before going over to the mobain, "I'm Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, and you are?" He greeted.

Zero was rather confused as to why this mobian was being nice to him...should he be terrified of him, or worst wanted him dead instead of healed. "Infinite...Infinite Zero Jackal" he said, he couldn't trust anyone but so far Sonic was showing him kindness, much like Piper.

With Sonic here it kind of distracted him from the pain that was getting when Piper started to do dig out the two bullet shells that were inside his side, as well as give him a few shots to numb the pain. Sonic rather enjoyed being Zero more than Shadow, he was much nicer than the bull, it kind of reminded him of Winona when she was hurt after a hunting trip.

"Your like a big Puppy~" Sonic purred as he petting Zero's head.

"Puppy...is that what you call me..." Zero thought to himself, he couldn't help but to chuckle at Sonic's innocence, there was just something about this Cow that just made him feel calm.

It wasn't long before the medicine started to take effect, making Zero feel tired. "Come on Sonic, you can visit Infinite later...it's time to let him rest" Piper called out as she opened the door.

Sonic nodded, and waved Zero good bye as he followed the human out of the stable, so far Zero was much nicer than Shadow was...but Sonic really couldn't be sure, after all the WereJackal was in no condition to really fight, while Shadow didn't hesitate to hurt him when he was trying to get away from the bull.

Bulls are unpredictably aggressive, but not Territorial...Sonic only shakes his head, he'll just have to keep his distance from Shadow, until he finds out what his deal was.

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