❀✿ EᑭIᔕOᗪE ᔕEᐯEᑎ ✿❀

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Piper was holding vials of Shadow blood, she was just run some tests on them just make sure, The Bull was actually a Mobian Hedgehog, like Sonic is, as for Shadow on the hand he was put into a cage, cause of his violent behavior. Evidence of Travis what was wrapping his arm up in some bandages...compared to Shadow...Travis was lucky that the Bull was holding back on killing him, just seeing how strong Shadow was compared to an EX-Agent of G.U.N...at least he was okay.

Shadow sniffs the air, as if he was sniffing for something or someone, Sure he only had Sonic for four months, but it was enough for him to actually get attached to the azure male...normally for a bull it takes a year for them to actually not get aggressive...but since Shadow is a mobian...he was much less, the reason why he hadn't just snapped Piper's and Travis' necks was because they were people that Sonic really care about...the same with the collie.

"Well this is definitely interesting..." Piper said.

"What? What is it?" Travis said as he got up from his spot to look.

"He definitely has some sort of other species DNA in him, just not by much, but the rest is Mobian Hedgehog, and Wild Bull" Piper said as she pulled away from the computer, "I hate to think that he was a subject of that project the Commander had been working on..."

"I doubt it...at least this explains the Territorial Behavior" Travis said as he glances over at Shadow, who was tried to break the bars of the cage.

"Your worried about Sonic?" Piper chimed in.

"How can I not be...from the looks of him...he started showing and way earlier than he should be" Travis stated.

"I did run some tests on him...while he was hibernating...and his estrogen levels had increased significantly than normal" Piper said as she lets out a small sigh. "I can only assume...Shadow here took advantage of him and he not realizing the full truth of what he just did"

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

"It's already to late...the deed has been done, the most that we can do is just be patient with him, and be there to support him, look Travis we knew this was gonna happen at some point, and this is just Mother Nature taking it's course" Piper tells her husband, Travis knew she was going to say that, and it was true, this is something that none of them could prevented...it's just something that all animals do at some point.

"Right..." Travis said as he grabs a hold of the cage, that Shadow was in, he was kind of listening in on the conversation, he didn't really understand humans...exceptionally these two, they sounded as if Sonic was their adopted child. He only scoffs at the thought, humans are nothing but disgusting creatures that only think for themselves.

When he was placed back into his stable, he immediately tried to make break for the opening before the door slide into his face, and he growled. He can only hope that Sonic would come and visit him...after seeing that Zero guy...he only growls at the thought of someone else touching his mate, his crimson eyes started to glow a bright red, with anger and hatred. He punches the wooden door with his fist. "He's mine...you hear me...MINE" he snarled. He started to punch at the door, trying to break it but with no such luck, but he wasn't going to give up anytime soon, since this was Sonic he was thinking about, and he wanted nothing more than take what was is his...even if that thing was a living mobain.

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Sonic on the other hand, was getting a bath, since he went four months without taking one...he did kind of enjoy the feeling of being clean. When it was all over he shakes his fur dry like a wet dog, before putting on some clean gloves and socks, as well as a top, to cover his chest.

"I bet that felt better" Travis said as he was drying off his face.

"Mhm...I did feel a little dirty after what Shadow and I did..." Sonic said.

"Listen Sonic...just be careful with them two...if they ever hurt you, you can always come talk to us" Travis said.

"I know, but I got this...After all I'm a big hedgehog~" Sonic smiled as he pets Winona, letting the dog lick his face. "Okay Girl...I love you too~" he chuckles. "Speaking of Shadow...when are you going to let him roam the farm?" He asked.

Travis had to stop and think about that...he wasn't really sure himself, Infinite was already allowed to roam the billions of acres of land that the farm has mostly because the jackal didn't pose any signs of being a threat, he was already intimidating enough, but with Shadow's aggressive nature, that he just witnessed first hand...he was gonna need more time to think about it. "I'm not sure yet Sonic..."

"Okay, just take your time" Sonic said, as he motions Winona to follow him, as he started to make his way over to Infinite who had got done with exploring.

Travis could only let out a small sigh...it felt like ten years ago...when him and his wife had decided to build here and they both heard that mobain, hedgehog like squeaking and crying, in an old barn.

They knew that they raised such a nice kid.

A Moo Moo TreatWhere stories live. Discover now