Chapter 16

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"Rajeev? What are u doing here?Who even let u in ? Get out .. seriously just get out "

"Mauli,just listen to me ,please let me help u "

"Help? What help ? I don't even wanna look at u " Mauli couldn't forgive Nandini's husband even though her ex-best friend betrayed her.

"I know u have a motive to come here,leave Rajeev. I can't trust people like you,just leave"

"Mauli I know u have every right not to trust me , it's not like I am gonna hurt you ,u have gone through enough.I know this words doesn't help in any way .but listen to me , I have solution for ur problems "

"Problems? What problem huh ? U don't have to involve urself with our life.Just leave ,we have enough of tension in our plate. " tells radhika

"Radhikaji I know Kunal and nandini are back.I do know they are staying at this place ,even though it belongs to Mauli"

"So what ? Y does it matter to you ?are u trying to get revenge?For what ? Just why? it's not like nandini cheated on you.u both were divorced .just leave please" Mauli please him to leave

"Okay Mauli ,I will leave but I did change.and I am not here for revenge or anything.i don't even care what she does or who she is with.But I wanna help you.its not me wanting help u , I promised my wife I would help u"

"Wife ? U got married ? Are u abusing her as well ?"

"No mauli ,I am not ,I did go to therapy and I am a new person,I changed because of my wife .I am ashamed of what I did , I really do .I am not asking you to trust me ,please hear me out when u want to ."

"I can't trust you right now but I am really happy if u have changed .And who is ur wife by the way"

"U know her Mauli , she was your patient from past four years.its Rohi,the one u saved.She is my wife "

"Rohi? Why the hell did she marry you?Did u abuse her ? Uh? Rajeev I swear to god I will kill you if u did anything to her "
"No mauli, beleive me she is the reason I am alive today,she is the reason that I have changed .I did get punished for what I have done but when u met her ,she really changed.i will never even imagine to hurt her."

"I want to meet her,I will listen from herself"

"Sure Mauli,Meet me tomorrow .This is my address just come there. Bring anyone you want to.i will prove I have changed and I am here to help ."

Rajeev leaves after giving his address to them.Radhika and Dida ensures they will visit together and if there is anything wrong they would help rohi.

Note:Rajeev is the ex-husband of Nandini ,he did try to show their affair but Mauli didn't believe since he was a abuser at that time.but now he changed for good .I am not support any abuse or such .it's just a character development.and yes he did have his own share of punishment and will do (give me ideas for his punishment).he is good husband to rohi though.

Rohi is another character,she is a sweet soul .she was the one who helped mauli realise her worth.she was really like sister to mauli.she was a patient ,getting treated by mauli.will add a backstory to
It.just one though .

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I love you guys ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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