Chapter 5

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"just shut up" dida said with anger." Don't u dare to speak to my granddaughter like that."

"dida. Wha...."

"don't ever I mean ever call me dida. U lost that right long before. So mind it"

"dida what are speaking? I'm ur grandson. U cant end our relation"

"ur are not my grandson understand it. U did leave me and my daughter in law who happens to be ur mother for some other woman who isn't worth it. U left us six years. And we did forget u long back and we are happy and we were so glad u never came back with this woman whom we wouldn't want to see. And u don't ever speak my mauli like that."

"dida I didn't..."

"u did leave us and that's the truth" dida warned kunal "and u" pointing to nandini "stay away from ur family and if u dare to come near my family or into our family. We will never accept u or him into her family. U are always a disgusting woman to me so mind it"

Nandini hearing was shocked, all this years she thought they would accept back into their family as daughter in law but she never thought they would speak to her like that. She always dreamt that they would welcome her with open arms but what was happening all against her thought.

"dida i.." nandini was cutoff by dida.

"don't u dare u filthy woman. I don't what I have to call u but I hate u more than anyone and don't worry u are not alone this time I hate both of u more than anything."

" Mauli beta lets go home. Don't go to hospital I don't think it's not a good day after seeing some bad omen people. Lets go" dida told mauli.

Mauli nodded and took dida to heir home. But here kunal and nandini couldn't digest the fact that the eldest of their family has hated them all this way.

"kunal why are they treating us like this. I always gave them love. And mauli how could she do that to me. she is staying in my in-laws house whereas I am staying in different house. i excepted her to forgive me and give all the respect of ur wife but here its all opposite.." saying this nandini started crying.

"u don't have to worry. I know what to do. U will get all the respect of my wife and my family will respect u." kunal said while comforting her.

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