Chapter 8

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Nandini turns only to find her nightmare.Mauli's mom standing there in front of her.

"how dare u that u step into this house with that disgusting face of yours"

"maaji what are u speaking. She is my wife I request to respect her otherwise..." kunal was cut down.

"otherwise what? What are going to do after all u only know to cheat what else do u know. And kunal let me tell respect is not to be requested it is only earned and whatever you have done u lost the respect u earned and this disgusting woman whom u call ur wife will never get the respect of wife only as a.."

"stop it mom. U don't have to tell that name from ur name" mauli tells her mother while eyeing nandini.

Nandini starts crying all over again excepting kunal to come over to her. Kunal stands rooted to his place not moving inch.

Everyone moves out from the dining area. Nandini goes back to her room crying and kunal follows her into the room. "Nandini stop crying. " and hugs her. "Kunal what I do? why do everyone thinks I am the who broke your family. I just loved u and I wanted to have true love. Is this my mistake? Kunal I never broke your family with mauli, I always wanted her to be happy but what do I do I fell love with u, I wanted u. what is this kunal where I am wrong ?"

"Nandini u didn't break my family with mauli. I loved u too. I chose you over this famil because you're my true love. I wanted u , I wanted us. You are not wrong stop blaming yourself. I love u more than anything get that". Nandini nods her head hugs him.

That evening, kunal who was walking in balcony saw mauli standing near her room window. He keeps staring at her. "you look beautiful mauli. You look more happier than the days we were together. What has changed u mauli. I wish we were together like before..what am I thinking. I cant fall foe mauli again. Nandini is my true love. There is no way I could get feelings for mauli. But why do I feel like this..why"

Kunal keeps staring at mauli. To his shock, he sees Ishaan come and hugs her from back. And mauli turn happily towards him and kisses him. This make kunal jealous "mauli did u move on already. I thought I will be last love. I thought u wont forget me at all but u fell for somebody else. I will prove he is not worthy as me. I am sure u still love me"

Authors note:

i am sorry that i couldnt update this story. i am trying my best to make time for myself to continue this story. Thank for all your support and love.

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