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 Kunal comes back to his room, only to find Nandini who is lost on thoughts. Kunal hugs her from behind making her smile.

"What's wrong Nandini? Did someone bother u?"

"No Kunal, I was just thinking what went wrong between me and Mauli. I know she has every right to get angry on me, but she should also understand that we are in love and she should move on, instead she thinks what we did is wrong. Its not our mistake that we fell for each other and by the way its not like she can get u back. U are now my husband. We are happy and y can't she be happy for us. I just feel so lonely what do I do"

"Nandini u are not alone. U have me and soon u will have everyone including Mauli . I promise u that. So now forget everything and let's sleep"

That night everyone slept with their thoughts.

The following morning, Mauli sets the table for breakfast. Kunal who comes out of his room sees Mauli and goes near her to speak to her.


Mauli who sees him tries to leave that place but gets stopped by him.

"Mauli just listen please"

"I have nothing to listen from u or from anyone who belongs to u. so just move"

"No just listen to once please"

"ok speak what u want to speak"

"Mauli just y can't to forgive us. We fell in love and got married and there is nothing wrong in it. Why can't u accept the fact that I chose her over u, so move on. There is no reason for u to be angry. Y cant u see that Nandini is getting hurt by you. How can u do that to her. Just forget everything and be her friends "

Mauli calls out Nandini after listening. Kunal thinks Mauli is ready to forgive them. Nandini who comes out sees Kunal smiling and indicating her towards Mauli.

"Mauli thank u for accepting me" Nandini speaks out with happy tears.

"No who told I am accepting u. look Mr.Kunal and ur so-called wife, I will never forgive u nor forget what u have done. u told that u chose her over me so what, who cares, the day u cheated on me with this lady remember u lost the respect as a man and u have no respect for yourself u keep begging for my forgiveness. U told me to move on, what did u think that I will still keep loving u and waiting for ur to return back to me, don't u ever think that I am still stuck with u . I have moved on the day I signed the divorce paper and now I found someone who will love and respect me, and this lady over here with whom u cheated with, cant face her own problem by herself .what kind of women did u choose kunal, even if u have cheated with someone better than her I would have been happy for u but u chose her. And coming to fact of forgiving u or her that will never happen even in ur dreams so stay away from me, and u who slept with her bestfriend's husband, backstabbed her how could u be a woman with a innocent look, ur evil, cruel and u r a bitch who"

Kunal raises his hand to slap Mauli but Mauli blocks his hand but she slaps him.

"Mr. Kunal if u raise ur hand against me and I will slap u and u have no right to slap me. I haven't spoke anything wrong what I spoke, is the truth accept that and leave with that disgusting faces of yours. Get out "

Kunal who sees dida and asks "Dida did u see that she slapped me. why aren't u speaking anything"

"She did what I wanted to do. Leave before I slap that women beside u "

Nandini runs back to her room crying and Kunal follows her.

Dida comes near Mauli and touches her hand.

"dida I am sorry I shouldn't have used that word it's just I .."

"Stop Mauli u are not wrong k come let's eat and forget them"


sorry guys i was stuck with some issues and followed by my exams. I know i should have left a note. i will be updating this story as soon as possible. please keep supporting and thanks for 4.75K reads and please keep u all . 

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