Chapter 1

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September 30th, 1998 - a date forever etched in my memory. Raccoon City, a thriving metropolis nestled in the heart of the United States, would never be the same again. It all started when the infamous Umbrella Corporation, a powerful multinational conglomerate, established a secret research facility on the city's outskirts.

As part of the elite STARS taskforce, our mission was to investigate the strange occurrences in the area. What we uncovered was a web of deceit and corruption, with Umbrella's nefarious activities extending deep into the city's police force.

But nothing could have prepared us for what happened next. A catastrophic accident unleashed the deadly T-Virus, a highly contagious pathogen that turned the citizens of Raccoon City into ravenous zombies. Chaos erupted, and the city quickly descended into madness.

Looking back, that fateful day marked the beginning of a struggle for survival, not just for us STARS operatives, but for all humanity. The shadow of Umbrella's evil loomed over us, threatening to consume us all.

Miraculously, I managed to escape the horrors of Raccoon City with the help of two unlikely allies: Leon Kennedy, a rookie cop, and Claire Redfield, the sister of my former STARS teammate, Chris Redfield. In the aftermath of the catastrophe.

I delved deeper into my genetic makeup and discovered the troubling truth about my parents, Drew and Carrie Williams. It was a difficult realization to come to terms with, but ultimately, I decided to keep this knowledge to myself as it had no bearing on my current situation.

Following my escape, I was approached by the government to join a top-secret program. While many would balk at the idea of being a mere pawn in the government's game, I saw it as an opportunity to channel my energy and focus on something beyond my own problems. The rigorous training and challenging missions tested my limits, but I found solace in the sense of purpose it provided.

You might wonder why I've come to enjoy being a government soldier. The answer is simple: I have nothing left to lose. After the events of Raccoon City, my life was turned upside down, leaving me with nothing but the memories of the horrors I witnessed and the knowledge of my own questionable origins.

In a strange way, being a government soldier has given me a sense of purpose, a reason to keep fighting. When you have nothing left to lose, it becomes easier to take risks and push yourself to the limit. I find myself embracing the challenges and opportunities that come my way, knowing that every mission could be my last.

While it may seem like a bleak existence, it has also taught me to appreciate the little things in life. Every moment with my allies and loved ones becomes all the more precious, and I am reminded of what I am fighting for.

So, no, I am not blindly following orders or serving some hidden agenda. I am simply making the most of the hand I have been dealt and finding meaning in the chaos.


Leon and I sat in the back of a federal car, our mission clear: retrieve Ashley Graham, the daughter of the President, who had inexplicably ended up in an unknown village in Spain. I spun my handgun nervously as we made our way through unfamiliar terrain.

To ensure our safety and success, the Spanish chief had kindly loaned us two officers who knew the local area. One of them caught my eye as he inspected us through the rearview mirror.

"So, Yanks," he said, turning to face us and resting his arm on the back of his seat. "What brings you to this godforsaken place? It's as close to nowhere as I've ever seen."

As the Spanish officer questioned us about our presence in this remote and desolate location, Leon looked at me, silently urging me to respond. I avoided his gaze and stared out the window, trying to gather my thoughts.

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