Chapter 14

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As we moved towards the clock tower, the weight of Luis' death still lingered in the air. Ada had contacted Leon, informing him that Ashley was being held in the clock tower. However, I couldn't help but feel a sense of mistrust towards Ada, especially considering her involvement in obtaining a sample from Luis.

With time running out, we stepped out of the elevator and proceeded towards the clock tower. Along the way, I seized the opportunity to delve into Leon's past and asked him about Krauser.

"He was my mentor," Leon replied, his voice heavy with a tinge of sadness. "We were involved in something called Operation Javier."

Curiosity piqued, I pressed him further, "What exactly was Operation Javier?"

Leon paused for a moment, rubbing his neck wearily. "Javier Hidalgo was the mastermind behind it all. He intentionally released the T-Virus into the Amazon rainforest. Krauser and I were assigned to stop the outbreak. However, prior to our mission, Krauser's entire team had been brutally murdered, fuelling his deep resentment towards our government."

As we continued our journey, Leon elaborated, "During the mission, Krauser sustained a severe injury that ultimately led to his departure from our government"

I rose to my feet, clutching my gun firmly. "Guess I make a better partner than him," I joked, hoping to inject a moment of levity into the tense atmosphere.

Leon's face broke into a smile as he got up. "Way better," he replied, his voice filled with a touch of relief.

Continuing our determined march towards the clock tower, my gaze was suddenly drawn upward as Salazar appeared, clapping his hands mockingly. "Mr. Halstead. Mr. Kennedy. You are nothing if not unyielding. However, I'm afraid it ends here," he sneered.

Salazar turned to his minions, issuing the command, "Expel these intruders!" The Granados, his loyal henchmen, swarmed towards us, their intent clear.

With Leon by my side, we fought valiantly, pushing through the onslaught of enemies. As we battled, I noticed a staircase leading up, and quickly made my way towards it, providing cover for Leon as he ascended.

Emerging outside, I caught a fleeting glimpse of Salazar, flanked by his minions, as they hurriedly whisked Ashley away into a gated building.

Determined to reach Ashley, I sprinted towards the building, Leon close behind me. As we ascended, our hearts sank as we caught sight of Krauser carrying Ashley, his figure disappearing behind a raised drawbridge, obstructing our view. Frustration and urgency surged through us.

Just then, Salazar turned around, a smug smirk adorning his face. "Such a fool, Mr. Halstead and Mr. Kennedy," he taunted.

Anger boiling within me, I aimed my gun directly at him, my voice filled with contempt. "Shut the fuck up!" I fired two shots, both finding their mark, causing Salazar to grunt in pain.

Clutching his chest, Salazar sneered, "You vulgar, utterly uncivilized..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Leon swiftly silenced him with a single bullet to the head. Salazar's last muttered word was a contemptuous "Mongrel..." as his body toppled backward, disappearing from view as it fell off the ledge.

Just as we thought it was over, Salazar's sinister cackle reverberated throughout the building, sending chills down our spines as we witnessed Salazar's grotesque transformation, his newly mutated form rising before us. He unleashed a vile stream of black goo, narrowly missing us as we agilely dodged, landing on the lower platform.

Without hesitation, I sprinted forward, deftly avoiding the toxic sludge, and unleashed a barrage of shotgun fire at Salazar. Leon joined in the assault, relentless in our determination to bring him down. Through our combined efforts, we managed to weaken Salazar, inching closer to victory.

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