Chapter 3

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Our com link beeped and we answered displaying a digital screen of our helping hand "Roost to Condor One and Two. I've identified a route to the lake, look for a large windmill. There's a path on the far side of it" she informed

"windmill. Copy that" Leon replied

"Be careful. Roost out" Hunnigan said as the call ended

Feeling my body is relaxed and ready i did a few stretches to Sprouse my muscles "Windmill, huh? Can't be hard to find" i said finishing my stretches

Leon holstered the shotgun on his back and cracked his knuckles "Don't jinx us"

Following the exit path we excited that part of the village walking along where a tiny shack is and a big tall windmill stands in the background "I'm never a jinx" i joked walking into the shack and gathered a few supplies

Leon shook his head but i knew he wanted to crack a smile not wanting to admit i'm a hoot to be around as we cut out the back the Spanish voices of the Villager radiated from somewhere meaning we'd have to be more careful.

Equipping my knife a went round a corner when i'm hit to the ground by a passing cow "What the fuck" Leon laughed a little helping me up and i frowned.

"Stay on your feet" Leon advised

Pressing forward we found the place isn't crawling with the killer villagers as the other part only a handful are present and doing farm stuff "If we stay quiet, we save a lot more ammo" i said thinking more tactically

"good idea" Leon agreed equipping his knife

A stuck my knife into a female's head quietly taking her down hearing more of them on the way Climbing up a shackle and leaping through a window and helping Leon in as some of the villagers round the corner staying quiet to avoid detection.

From where we are i noticed metal gate possibly connected to heavy machinery and wanting to know more a dropped down making my way over there and moving into a wall catacomb

Leon disarmed a bomb and i snuck along finding and climbing up a ladder to a second floor to find a mechanism meant to be powering the gate.

"Try the lever" i said

Leon shrugged pulling the lever to confirm we need a cog to operate the machine and in the locked barn i'm sure we will find it.

The door to the barn is locked with a padlock and i fixed it with a clean cut shot breaking the lock "Open sesame" Leon did an impressive frontal kick opening the door


Inside the barn the place reeked of death along with blood scattered over the walls walking and checking around the place finding the cog on a table as the main door is busted open to reveal a man wielding a giant modified hammer.

He wore a dead decayed pig mask and the image made me want to puke i didn't get a time to react as the man swung the hammer connecting with my chest it sent me up onto a small second level.

My chest hurt like a bitch from the impact "Can't someone stay normal" a winced getting up to have Leon land right next to me.

"This is a lot harder than i thought" he complained

The madman ascended up looking menacing we both opened fire on him moving to avoid his swings as we both dived out the window knowing he will probably follow

We're cut off by the sudden appearance of villagers who responded to the distress of the madman jumping to my feet "I'll deal with the villagers, You can handle the swinger"

Leon and I separated going off to do my thing "Hey! Come get some America muscle, anybody hungry" getting the people to follow

With my pistol in my left and gun in my right a fired and slashed my way through the oncoming attackers firing hearing the opening of the gate to see Leon mouth "Hurry up" a quickly started running towards him dodging an hammer swing sliding under the gate.

A aimed my pistol firing and hitting a chain lowering the gate as it comes down onto the madman severing his head from the body exposing the parasite fragments. Going along passing over a bridge running down a path when an explosion rings out "Watch out" Leon tackled me out the way of a falling trap cutting off the path we needed to go.

"I'm getting sick of these assholes"

Th path to the lake is now cut off and we decided to move back the way finding a secret path moving bushes out the way and continuing on as the sound of more villagers echo throughout the place

Arriving near the lake a stand alone sit looking to be empty choosing to investigate going in to see the entire place is trash beyond belief leaving down a hall a loud ominous banging radiated from below

Leon checked a bookcase to see it is hallow behind and he shoved it revealing a secret room from the right i caught a glimpse of an person's hand "Look out" Pushing him out the way of a hatchet attack.

I jammed my knife into the villagers head twisting it for good measure dropping the person to the ground dead "We're even again" he smirked hearing this and nodded to keep going hearing the banging getting louder.

A pulled this rug out the way finding a hatch on the floor Leon bent down opening it shining a flashlight in the dark empty basement, climbing down the ladder and checking around "Alright it seems clear"

Leon dropped down holding out his shotgun for better protection we walked forward to see a rug sack moving around with muffled shouted coming from it, bending down and cutting the ropes pulling it open revealing a man with thick black and Spanish looking clothes. Leon ripped the tape off his mouth.

"Ouch. That hurts you know" the man said

"Seemed like you really wanted to talk" Leon hit back

The man chuckled "How observant" his eyes darted to me "You got a smoke"

"I wish" i said

Leon scoffed "You know, those things will kill you"

"Maybe just untie me then" The man said

Before we could ruffling sounds came from the left and i shined my flashlight to see a man wearing a black coat having a bald head and a fully grown beard "Hey!" i went to fire but the man hit me with kick sending me back into a wall

The man smacked Leon's weapon out his hand grabbing and throwing him across the room colliding with bunch of boxes a grabbed hold of my gun firing off a few shot, but the man spun round with a mean backhand dazing me quite badly

I had no choice watching the man walk over to Leon holding an injector and it was the last thing i saw passing out.

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