Chapter 15

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Leon reached out to Ada to gather information about the whereabouts of Luis's lab. Ada agreed to provide the information, revealing that the lab was situated in a sanctuary atop the mountain.

As we cautiously moved through the area, I brandished my shotgun, scanning for any potential enemies. Suddenly, Ashley called out, capturing my attention. She pointed towards a hole in the wall, revealing a lift device beyond it. A smirk formed on my face as I assessed the situation it appeared to be operational and could be of use to us.

Pointing towards a nearby crane, Leon suggested that we could utilize it to break through the wall. Ashley wasted no time and took the lead, swiftly entering the crane and powering it up. I couldn't help but be impressed by her initiative and determination. Without hesitation, I joined her on the crane.

With a resounding crash, the wrecking ball struck the wall, triggering an alarm that alerted the Granado soldiers. Leon and I swiftly engaged the enemy, fending them off to provide Ashley with the necessary time to complete her task. Once the wall was successfully demolished, I took control of the lift and began ascending up.

"You know, I've been thinking," Ashley said, initiating a conversation.

"What's on your mind?" Leon replied.

A smile brightened Ashley's face. "We make a great team, don't we?"

Leon nodded in agreement. "I suppose so."

With enthusiasm, Ashley continued, "Maybe one day, I could become an agent like both of you."

Chuckling softly, I looked at her warmly. "That's a good ambition, Ashley. But it's probably best for you to seek proper training first and have a normal school life. It's important to learn and grow before diving into this dangerous world."

As the three of us stepped into the room, my attention was instantly drawn to a mesmerizing glow. Yet, before I could fully comprehend its significance, a chilling voice echoed from behind me.

"Kneel before us," the unfamiliar voice commanded. My gaze shifted towards a man draped in a regal purple cloak, seemingly the one in charge of this entire operation. "Behold our divine vessel," he declared, gesturing towards Leon and Ashley.

The man's piercing gaze fixed upon me. "I am Osmund Saddler, the mouthpiece of our lord."

Leon, never one to back down, retorted, "Save your sermon for someone who cares." In one swift motion, he fired a bullet, striking Saddler's face. Before I could even respond, a sudden convulsion overcame both Leon and Ashley, their bodies contorting as dark, undulating lines appeared upon their skin.

Caught off guard, I barely had time to react before a slimy tentacle snaked its way towards me, seizing my throat with a vice-like grip. With a forceful hurl, I was flung backward, crashing into a nearby shelf that toppled over, burying me beneath its weight.

I scrambled to free myself from the debris, my heart pounding with urgency. As I emerged from the wreckage, I found the room eerily empty no trace of Leon or Ashley. A searing pain emanated from my throat.

A reminder of the encounter with the tentacled assailant. However, I couldn't afford to dwell on my injuries. Determination fuelled my every move as I pressed on, determined to locate and rescue my comrades.

Exploring further, I stumbled upon a small operations room. It was clear that Krauser had been here, leaving behind his unmistakable mark. My hand instinctively reached up, rubbing my face as I absorbed the gravity of the situation.

My attention was drawn to a desk adorned with a solitary photograph my own, captured during my time as a member of S.T.A.R.S. A wave of bittersweet memories crashed over me, reminding me of the losses I had endured.

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