Chapter 2

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Being away from the crazy attackers we decided it would be best to venture further in to find the closet village with access to the lake a reloaded my weapon holstering incase thing turn into hand to hand combat.

"Time to find the land of the living" i said walking and looking around

Leon chuckled "You should take this serious"

"I will. when it calls for it" i replied

We start crossing over a bridge as blood stained the boards indicating something worse is up ahead going and passing through a shack thinking how everything in the area has the appearance of dead fields.

Leaving the hack we ducked down hearing the distant sound of Spanish speaking and on the ground is a dead decaying dog something seeing this annoyed me for a have this lovely German Shepard.

Approaching a decommissioned truck a man jumped out holding a pitch fork he swung it as i ducked out the way unloading a clip into the man where Leon delivers a pain jerking roundhouse kick.

"Those acrobatics lessons, sure do you good" i joked as the man's body convulsed and twitched until a parasite burst out his neck and i immediately shut it down with a stomp

Leon leaned down to have a better look at the creature "This can't be human, right?"

"No" the identification of the parasite had me think of other bioweapons i've encountered and had a sample of parasite within the body

Continuing on further avoiding more contact with the cult eventually we ended up at a bloodied door with severed heads placed neatly in poles "I love an architects design" pushing open the door moving up to where the village is visible.

Leon peaks through a scope "God..." he passed them as i checked myself to see the other escort cop bounded and gagged to a cross like Jesus.

It is then a villager chucks a torch onto the woods igniting the cop on fire he screamed loudly burning to death "holy shit..." despite what i've encountered this had to be gruesome.

"what's the plan?" Leon asked

Observing what to do i wondered what to do "Split up. cover more ground and strike only if necessary" i advised and he agreed

Leon and I split him going left and i went right up a hill doing my best to blend in considering how i don't want to become barbeque especially not in Spain.

Sneaking my way past a couple of villagers a noticed how they keep mumbling a name "Lord Saddler" taking out my specialised knife from my S.T.A.R.S days ambushing a villager and quickly ending their life

The entire Village erupts in a loud irritating screech as i glanced round to see Leon had been found and i decided to come out of cover and started firing at the villagers drawing their attention

Evading an axe a caught a few of them with deadly gunshots "Halstead, Over here" Leon called out as i dodged an attack and slipped into one of the houses.

Entering the house I hit into the door to keep the villagers out and Leon dropped a board into the metal holding going over to the little window, outside the house many of the villager spread out my eyes landed on the one wearing a sack and carrying a chainsaw he revved it loudly.

"You gotta be kidding me" Leon said annoyed

"Groovy" i joked reloading my pistol hearing the sound of glass breaking upstairs going to check i found a shotgun on the wall.

Taking it out the gun "Catch" i tossed it to Leon as i went to the window and pushed the ladder to keep them out the house as more of the villagers begin to attack the house, A hopped out the window avoiding being slashed by the villagers.

Unleashing a grenade blowing up a group of them as the chainsaw man glared marching over a pumped a few bullets into his body to see it have no effect and i dive to my right to avoid being ran through by the chainsaw

Headbutting the man i deflected the chainsaw blade with my knife sliding backward from the impact running backwards away from the crazy man a climbed up onto a rooftop spotting Leon holding off a good few of the villagers with the shotgun.

Aiming my pistol firing at the villagers giving Leon covering fire when i'm grabbed by the throat by the chainsaw man i didn't think he had this much strength as he hurdled me through a window landing on a hardwood floor.

"That really hurt" a groaned

Not having time to process seeing the chainsaw man's hand grip the window and i dived out the way ready for his descent and a nearly stumble feeling the shockwave from the man thudding against the floor

Checking how much ammo i have a went straight in ramming into his gut tackling him up and into the wall creating a dent in it as i threw lefts and right knowing i can't overpower him, but i can out manoeuvre him

The chainsaw man screeched shoving me back hitting directly against a door feeling the sharp pain echo throughout my body just as i saw him about to pick up the chainsaw a gunshot hits his back from up above

Leon sat on the window ledge and rained down shotgun shots having to quickly retreat due to the incoming onslaught of villagers as picked up the chainsaw cutting the man down to his knees.

"Groovy!!" i shouted bringing the chainsaw down cutting into the man's head and bending it down doing a powerful pull completely severing the man's body in half

Watching the blood leak from the body a threw the chainsaw wiping the blood off my face hearing the sound of a church bell ringing heading outside to see the Villager acting like they're in a trance

I now took note of how the Villager all process red demonic looking eyes and they are completely transfixed on the bell ignoring Leon and my self's presence.

One by one all the villagers crowd into a church closing the door and it dawned on us something bigger is going on here.

"Where's everyone going? Bingo?" Leon said

I chuckled at his joke not really sure of what this all could mean as i looked at the burnt dead corpse of the cop.

"Thought Bingo would stay on old person thing"

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