Chapter 10

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Leon contacted Hunnigan to be informed that due to the inclement weather, the helicopter was unable to land. As a result, we needed to find a safe place to take shelter. I accompanied both of them through the area, eliminating numerous Granados along the way.

As I pushed open the heavy metal doors, Leon reassured Ashley, but her reassurance quickly turned into a scream. Without hesitation, Leon sprang into action. It was the imposing and brutal Priest. He struck Leon with a forceful backhand, sending him sprawling to the ground. I swiftly reached for my Revolver, ready to defend ourselves.

Before I could draw my weapon, the Priest seized my wrist and then my throat with his other hand, effortlessly lifting me off the ground. "You are unworthy of the gift. I shall put an end to this," he growled, his grip tightening around my throat. Just as I began to struggle for air, Ashley reacted swiftly, grabbing a nearby plank of wood.

With a forceful swing, she struck the Priest directly in the face, causing him to release his grip on me. I quickly rushed to help Leon to his feet. The Priest, realizing our escape, forcefully shut the metal doors and bent the lock, sealing off our retreat.

"Ashley, go!" I shouted, urging her to make a run for it. Together, Leon and I sprinted forward, with Ashley joining our trio as we raced away from the pursuing danger.

As Granados emerged in the area, I swiftly positioned myself in front of Ashley, brandishing my shotgun for protection. The priest, fuelled by determination, trailed closely behind. Reacting quickly, I pulled the pin on a flashbang and released it, disorienting several individuals in its vicinity. Seizing the opportunity, Leon and Ashley began making their way across a rickety bridge.

Aware of the imminent danger, I provided covering fire to shield their progress. The priest, relentless in his pursuit, aimed to eliminate me and capture Ashley. Amidst the chaos, Leon urgently called out my name, drawing my attention to Ashley's foot wedged in the wooden planks.

"Leon, cover me," I instructed, determined to assist Ashley. With caution, I embarked on the perilous journey across the bridge. Leon neutralized one of the Granados, the impact rattling the unstable structure.

Focusing on freeing Ashley's trapped foot, I exerted my strength, leveraging it to dislodge her. In the midst of our efforts, Leon's sharpshooting echoed through the air, defeating another Granado. The bridge, already weakened by shoddy construction, groaned under the strain and began to crumble.

With urgency, I seized Ashley's arm tightly, propelling us both across the crumbling bridge. As the structure plummeted into the abyss, I locked eyes with the menacing Priest, who ominously gestured his intent to end my life.

Undeterred by his threats, I cautiously extended my arm, simultaneously using my free hand to boldly extend my middle finger in a defiant gesture. Swiftly, I redirected my attention to Leon and Ashley, checking on their well-being.

"You two alright?" I inquired, concern lacing my voice.

"Peachy," Ashley retorted, her sarcasm evident.

Resting his hand on Ashley's shoulder, Leon spoke with a resolute tone. "He's targeting you. If you ever encounter him again, run," he advised, his concern for her palpable.

Concerned for both of them, Ashley questioned their safety. "And what about you guys?" she asked, her worry evident.

Gripping my shotgun firmly, I turned to face them, determination etched across my features. "We'll handle our part," I assured them, emphasizing my resolve by audibly cocking the weapon.

As we sought refuge in a small shelter, a sudden crash shattered the adjacent wall, hurtling me through the air and forcefully slamming me onto the ground. Dazed, I lifted my gaze to find the Priest, his malevolent glare piercing through the air.

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