Next Time....

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In a bustling coffeeshop, a man sat alone at a table, savouring his cup of coffee. As he glanced out the window, observing children playing and people bustling through their daily lives, a look of disgust crossed his face.

His attention was abruptly diverted when a figure entered the coffee shop. It was none other than Albert Wesker, who made his way towards the man's table and took a seat, idly tapping his fingers on the surface.

"I must admit, I didn't expect you to show up," the man remarked, taking a sip of his coffee.

Wesker surveyed the surroundings. "Indeed, it's an unconventional meeting place."

A smirk played on the man's lips. "Well, considering the numerous government organizations hunting you down, who would think Albert Wesker would be found in a humble coffee shop?"

Wesker recognized the man's astuteness and returned the smirk. "You're quite perceptive. Now, let's get down to business," he suggested.

The man carefully placed his coffee cup on the table. "The reason I requested your presence here is because I require your services to apprehend a certain individual." With that, he slid a folder across the table.

Wesker opened the folder and instantly recognized the face on the photograph. His lips curled into a sinister smile as he looked up at the man sitting across from him. "Halstead Jason Williams," he murmured, licking his lips. "What's in it for me?"

The man leaned back in his chair, exuding an air of wealth and power. "Anything you desire," he replied confidently. "I am a man of considerable resources, and your organization stands to benefit greatly from our collaboration."

Wesker's smirk deepened, his hands clasping together. "I find your proposition intriguing," he responded. "But I must inquire, why exactly do you want him?"

The man grinned and produced another photograph, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of what he possessed. "Let's just say I have something he desperately desires," he teased. Finishing his coffee, he rose from his seat and dropped an address onto the table. With a flourish, he buttoned up his coat and left, a fedora hat adding a touch of mystery to his departure.

Wesker watched him leave, his mind already plotting the course of action. The prospect of gaining power and satisfying his own insatiable hunger appealed to him greatly. He pocketed the address, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he prepared to embark on this new venture.

In the depths of an underground base, a woman sat alone in a dimly lit cell, clutching a worn photograph close to her heart. Her finger traced the contours of the image, a bittersweet tear slipping down her cheek. In the midst of her solitude, a voice suddenly called out her name.

"Carrie Halstead..."

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