Chapter 16

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From a safe distance, I observed a heavily fortified compound guarded by numerous Granados. Leon pointed at a structure within, stating, "That must be their sanctuary." As I focused my gaze, I noticed Ashley being escorted inside by Saddler's sinister puppets.

Determined to rescue her, Leon and I made our way towards the compound, engaging in combat with the defensive Granados. Suddenly, a beam of light shone down from above, accompanied by a voice over the speaker, "Apologies for the delay, traffic was a nightmare. Here comes one combat chopper, courtesy of Hunnigan."

Introducing himself as Mike, the pilot added, "Now let's give these assholes a taste of what we've got."

I couldn't help but smile at Hunnigan's resourcefulness. With precision, Mike swiftly destroyed the towers, depriving the Granados of their advantageous positions. Meanwhile, Leon and I fought off the remaining enemies, clearing a path towards the cliff where the combat chopper awaited our boarding.

After completing the mission, Mike suggested that we celebrate with some drinks at a bar he knew. I gladly agreed, looking forward to some well-deserved relaxation. However, our plans were abruptly interrupted as a swarm of mutated insect creatures attacked the chopper, causing it to spiral out of control. I heard Mike's terrified screams as the chopper crashed to the ground.

"M-Mike," I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief. He had just saved our lives moments ago, and now he was gone. Saddler, standing above the wreckage with an ominous presence, seemed responsible for this devastating turn of events. Filled with sadness and anger, I swiftly eliminated as many of the relentless insects as I could find.

As I approached the altar slab where Ashley lay, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination, Leon suddenly halted in his tracks. His body stiffened, and I could sense that he was under the control of Saddler, manipulated by the parasite within him.

Saddler's voice, chillingly familiar, echoed through the room. "You have arrived," he taunted. I instinctively reached for my weapon, ready to face him head-on. However, my resolve faltered as he uttered his next words. "Make a single move, and I shall destroy him."

Leon grunted, his voice strained as he asked, "What... What do you want?"

Saddler's twisted pride shone through as he raised his staff, proclaiming, "I simply desire to share this gift with as many as possible. A modest wish, wouldn't you agree?"

My anger surged within me, and I couldn't help but scoff at his deluded justification. "And you believe that harming innocent people justifies your cause?" I retorted, standing firm, my hand discreetly sliding down to grasp the hilt of my knife.

As Saddler drew closer, I swiftly turned, slashing him across the face with my knife. But his response was swift and horrifying. Tentacles erupted from his body, ensnaring me and pinning me against the wall. The grip tightened, leaving me helpless as I watched him taunt and then turn his attention towards Leon.

Just as all hope seemed lost, a barrage of machine gun fire erupted, showering Saddler with a hailstorm of bullets. The impact forced him to release me, and I looked up to see Ada standing there with her weapon blazing. "Run!" she commanded, her voice filled with urgency, as she continued to rain bullets upon Saddler.

Leon wasted no time. He scooped up Ashley, and I directed him towards the nearest hallway, our escape route. Saddler, seething with anger, attempted to pursue us, but Ada shot the chains holding a massive statue in place. It crashed down, blocking off the path we had come from, providing us with a clear exit.

With Leon succumbing to the parasite's control, I urgently grabbed hold of his shirt and guided him through the corridor, determined to reach Luis' lab. We hurriedly made our way, the weight of the situation pressing upon us.

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