Chapter 4

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"What appears to be the problem here"

"The subject is rejecting the Plaga"


"Leave him with the other one, we need to observe him more carefully"

Opening my eyes my neck hurt like a bitch having my hands tied against the wall in the middle of the room Leon and mystery man are chained together by chains.

"Oh, what the fuck?" Leon groaned waking up to discover the situation he is in

Leon pulled his wrists forward dragging the man's arms up "Hey, stop it" he complained

A tried to break my cuffs they didn't budge at first but the speck dust coming off it meant i could pull it out the wall with enough force.

"Yanquis, you got names?" the man asked

Leon got up calculating a plan "Leon"


Jiggling the bar holding my restraints more and more coming closer to prying it off and i twisted my body getting up to my feat.

"Quiet type, eh? I'm Luis Serra" he informed us of his name "And guess we all picked the wrong spot to vacation"

"I doubt your here for vacation" I questioned knowing being here for vacation ain't possible finally with enough force a ripped the bar off the wall slowly dismantling it to free myself

Luis glared and analysed both Myself and Leon "My guess, you're here looking for someone, a certain senorita"

The interest in this peaked as Leon pulls the chain dragging Luis over and slightly hanging him off the floor by two inches "Talk. now" he demanded

"All right. See, heard chatter about moving a senorita" Luis said

"Moving her where?" i asked more curious as Leon let the chain down to bring Luis back to the floor.

"Who knows? But later, saw some men dragging someone... to the old church" Luis informed

Leon and Luis worked together to break the wheel off the ceiling but at the same time a Villager appeared out of nowhere about to attack Luis, Leon pulled the chain dragging him away from danger.

Having no weapon I punched the villager as Leon and Luis banded together fighting the man wrapping the chain around his neck and they break it.

Luis grabbed the key uncuffing himself and tossing the key to me "Catch you later" he quickly dashed off Leon was about to go chase after him, but i stopped him.

"We will see him, again" a unlocked his cuffs freeing him

Leon scoffed "Shit. They took my gear"

Cracking my knuckles "Means we rely on our skills"

Our com link beeped and we answered Leon took first approach "Condor One to Roost. I've located Baby Eagle it sounds like she's being kept in some church"

"Great. That's good news" Hunnigan responded

"We also need information on a Luis Serra. I think he's apart of this somehow" i said into the com

"Will Do" Hunnigan responded

Leon went ahead forward as i stayed back on the call "You know Hunnigan. Your cute, take for you dinner when this is over" my flirting had Hunnigan blush a bit

Hunnigan smiled "We shall see"

The call ended as i went on thinking how i'll be going to church.

Finding Leon hunched against a pillar he looked in pain "You good?"

"Yeah still feeling winded" he responded

"It's fine, the priest did have some powerful kicks" i responded going up a fight of steps

"How do you know he is a priest?" Leon asked

I looked round a corner "I grew up in a religious orphanage, i know a shady priest when i see one" walking down a hall bringing up my little emotional titbit wasn't a high considering what my life went to

Approaching a metal door the echoing voice of a villager got my attention I saw a rake to my side and wanted to do something stupid grabbing it a went out the door and stuck it in the villagers gut and forced them out a hole in the wall where i assume he fell to his death

Peering through a broken bit in a wall we saw on a table is our gear i tried reaching through, but is just out of reach meaning we need to find another route crouching down going through a door

Hiding next to sacks thinking of what to do a noticed many of some villagers sneaking about we both took out several finding a wheel and a turned opening a rusted cage allowing us to access our equipment.

The sound of tapping got our attention "Over here, Stranger" a man wearing a long sleeved coat with a purple bandana covering his face who walked off to the side.

"who is that?" Leon asked

A shrugged going outside to find the man having a setup shop here i decided to see what he has to offer taking an interest in a sweet powered magnum pistol buying a few essentials like grenades and stun grenades before leaving like a cash tip.

Resident Evil 4: Shadows Of Las PlagasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora