Chapter 5

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As I walked through the area, uncertainty clouded my mind. The remnants of buildings and scattered metal framing surrounded me, and I clutched my revolver tightly. Leon, seemed uneasy and displayed twitchy behaviour.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned about his demeanour.

Leon's hand instinctively went to his neck as he replied, "Yeah, nothing I can't handle."

Navigating through the debris, we found ourselves on a different path. We ascended a ladder and were greeted by a village interconnected with wooden structures. Swiftly, I leaped down, dispatching a few individuals with my knife.

Leon grumbled and unleashed a barrage of shotgun fire. The wind howled, carrying dust particles that irritated my eyes. I quickly wiped them and pressed forward, manoeuvring across a bridge in an attempt to reach our destination.

Suddenly, a horde of villagers swarmed around us, indicating the need to keep moving. We sprinted, evading their clutches, and spotted a distinct hexagonal symbol. We decided to split up to retrieve the item associated with it. Meanwhile, Leon operated a wheel, raising a wooden gate.

"Let's move, Halstead!" Leon's voice echoed with urgency as we dashed through the open gate, retracing our steps back to our starting point. I swiftly inserted the emblem into its rightful place, feeling a surge of anticipation as I turned the handle, unlocking the door.

With a determined push, we swung the door open and stepped through, our hearts pounding with excitement. We continued along the path ahead.

The area was engulfed in an enigmatic array of symbols, each carrying its own cryptic meaning. Leon and I hadn't anticipated the mission to be this complex. However, we stumbled upon a house that seemed suitable for temporarily laying low.

As we approached the front door, it became apparent that it was securely locked. I suggested trying the backdoor, and to our great relief, it turned out to be unlocked. Stepping inside, we were taken aback by the unexpected opulence of the place, tinged with a hint of madness.

"What are your thoughts?" Leon inquired, sweeping his flashlight across the room.

Pausing for a moment to gather my thoughts, I responded, "Let's proceed cautiously for now."

We carefully explored the house, and as I opened a door, we unwittingly stumbled upon a villager in the midst of using the toilet. Startled, he let out a scream and lunged at us, but Leon swiftly intercepted, dispatching the villager. I quickly closed the door, attempting to lighten the mood with a joke.

"Well, that's one way to protect your turf," I quipped, earning a stifled smirk from Leon.

Leon surveyed the area with a disgusted expression and commented, "Not too shabby. Someone sure is outdoing their neighbours."

As I rubbed my chin, I glanced around, still uncertain about something. "There has to be a larger scheme at play here," I mused aloud.

Leon turned to me, his gaze questioning. "How do you figure?"

"Think about it," I began, delving deeper into my thoughts. "They've kidnapped the president's daughter and brought her to this remote location in Spain. On top of that, the villagers are clearly under the control of some kind of parasite. It begs the question..."

"Who's pulling the strings?" Leon finished my train of thought.

Leon and I decided to split up in order to cover more ground efficiently. I quickly conducted a sweep of the ground floor, uncovering a few useful items like grenades and a flash bang. However, my attention was drawn to a peculiar cupboard that stood out due to its unique lock.

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