Chapter Forty Four

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I shifted in the faux leather seat, wondering how my ass could go numb after just an hour of venting to Jade. The coffee shop was crowded, exactly as you'd expect it to be during finals week.

Scatterbrained students filled the scratched wooden tables, relying on caffeine to get them through the end of the semester.

That should have been me, tucked away in a corner with my nose in a textbook, one low practice quiz grade away from a mental breakdown.

Instead, my mind drifted to other, surprisingly less desirable, places.

I clutched my latte, holding on for dear life as the story of the last few days passed over my lips.

It was a lot, but after everything, I needed to vent.

She listened, intently, only nodding in response to my stories.

"But then, Mac gave them to me. Out of nowhere."

Jade's eyebrows hit the ceiling. "Does she have copies?"

My stomach dropped. How long had they been in her possession? Would she just look like a scorned ex if she turned them in?

I rubbed my forehead, already thinking about all the ways she could fuck Gavin over. "Maybe but what can I do about that?"

She hummed, tapping her mug in thought. "Can't report it?"

I frowned, "Not a chance in hell."

Not unless I want the university to take whatever copies they might find and use them against Gavin.

"Pray," she laughed. "Pray really hard."


I opened my mouth to respond but Sarah, and an extremely pregnant Tara, walked through the door.

"You started the party without us?" Tara laughed, wobbling over to our table. Jade slid over in the booth, letting her take the end seat.

"We were just discussing Meg's serious, not-so-serious relationship."

Sarah whistled, "Hate that we missed that."

I laughed, "It's been a long week."

Tara glanced down at her belly, "You're telling me. I'm barely allowed out of the house anymore."

"That's true," Sarah nodded, "I had to break her out of that baby-proofed hell."

Tara's husband wouldn't be able to relax for another eighteen years. Poor guy.

Jade's phone screen lit up and the whole table vibrated. She snatched it up and answered before we could see the caller.

Instead, we listened to the one-sided conversation.


"Not this week."

"Are you sure?"

She dropped her voice, "I'll see you Sunday."

As soon as the call ended, Sarah leaned in. "He's back?"


"It's complicated."

"Wait, who is back?" Tara asked for both of us. I was itching to hear relationship drama that didn't include me.

Jade took a sip of her coffee as if that would stop the onslaught of questions, "No one. Just a friend."

"A friend?" Sarah snickered but didn't spill the beans either.

"Let's change the subject," Jade ran her fingers through her hair, "Meg isn't sure if Gavin loves her or not."

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