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My name is Anna Toropova. I'm the author of this fanfiction. You can skip this part if you want, but basically, it goes over what will you see in this fanfiction and what I'm trying to fix, improve, or add. This is my first fanfiction created. I noticed while reading other BillCipherxReader fanfictions that they always have things that annoy me so much, and I think many people exist like me so I'm here to share a story on the go about a crazy life you have while living in Gravity Falls. Just so you know, this character is based on me and what I would do. Also, I am the Y/N's age too so that you know.

(Edit: I'm 12 now, and I've kinda fallen out of making this fanfiction since I experienced major writer's block. Then got lazy and procrastinated. This was supposed to be a trilogy and I will try to work on it once I finish 6th grade and/or get in a better mental space. I also started doing more personal projects. I have a Tumblr with the username "DaydreamToropova" where I mostly post art and general things. I also started working on building a comic so I have other things going on creative-wise. But anyway, enjoy the story and have fun.)

Now, why do I have beef with other fanfictions?

1. They make Bill Cipher human: Just why? He calls humans meat sacks so why would he be one? (I mean I understand it's for the Lemon but...)

2. The Personality is Wrong: Bill is supposed to be a narcissistic, psychopathic, chaotic evil that tries to confuse you to the point of agreeing with his ideas. He is also a cheesy guy, but people make him the wrong kind of cheesy. He's also quite messed up. He's outgoing. He would never give something up just because someone told him to. Bill would keep pushing people to their absolute limits. Bill doesn't care if you call him insane, yet cares if you try to interrupt his plans. He can be hot-headed sometimes. I think that usually in fanfiction Bill is shown as more sympathetic and careful with his actions. No. That's not him.

3. Weird/Bad Timing: Like maybe they have the Weirdmageddon inserted into their fanfiction and/or it's really hard to pinpoint the time in them.

4. Bad Grammar/Punctuation/Capitalizing: If a fanfiction has a hard-to-follow read, it takes away from the initial charm and focuses more on trying to figure out what the author is trying to make the feel and story of the conversation be than the actual plot.

5. Weird/Bad/Uninteresting Plot: Stories have just boring plots and things you just don't want to read about that make you want to quit. Also inserting events that happened in the show makes it seem dull and uncreative.

6. Weird and Prolonged Scenes: They make you want to turn away and if you pick up the story again it makes (me at least), not want to touch the story and the cycle continues as you just never finish the story.

7. Why?: Why are you in Gravity Falls? Why would Bill exist (he died in Stan's mind)? Why do the journals still exist? ASK. WHY.

8. Why Would Bill Like You?: Bill is a being of pure energy. While you are just a meat sack. In fanfictions, it's never explained why ("iT's BeCAuSE iT'S LovE," doesn't count, in that case, why would he (quote-on-quote) "love" you?). Does he have a goal he needs to accomplish, so he needs to be with you? Do you have something no other human/being has? (If you do, then what is it?) All I'm asking is REASON.

9. Inaccuracy: Just in general, like maybe a wrong date. Or a quote that's not exact/slightly off... Maybe a name was spelled wrong etc.

10. Unoriginal Images: The authors sometimes (and almost always) put up an image/cover that they stole off the internet. And some just steal things from the show and/or other places on the internet. And use it, it makes it seem unoriginal and lazy. (But please, if you use images off the internet, at least give credit to the original artist.)

Down With the Deals (Bill Cipher x Reader) [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now