Chapter 32: Careless Karaoke

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The crowd stood quiet as Mabel announced, "Welcome to the party! After the whole fiasco with the punch bowl, we have decided to continue with our usual program. Karaoke! First up, the Pines Twins!"


Stan came up on stage in a vampire costume. Dipper said as he sat next to you, "He used the same costume as last year." You giggle obliviously about it. Dipper watches you as he tries to keep you in check, "You act more and more drunk every hour..." You giggle even more about it. Dipper watches you as your manners become more and more sloppy. He takes off your tophat as you sit in your chair.

You hear Stan and Ford start singing...

"Hey, Jude, don't make it bad.

Take a sad song and make it better.

Remember to let her into your heart.

Then you can start to make it better."

After the first verse, you blanked out and your vision went blurry. Dipper held you as you slumped in your seat. You recognize the lyrics to be from Hey Jude by The Beatles. You don't know how you recognized the song in your state, but it was fun listening to Stan and Ford singing that song together. That song was from the 60s, so Stan and Ford probably have heard it over the radio in their youth. You barely could keep yourself awake during the whole performance. You quietly sang along to it a little, but slurring your words together so much that it was not understood what you were saying.

After that song was done, Mabel announced, "Next up, Gideon Gleeful!" Gideon went onstage and Mabel awkwardly gave Gideon the microphone. Gideon was dressed up in the costume of a ghost with white powder on his face and a white costume. His hair was the same shape as always. He started singing American Ride by Toby Keith. With his girlish voice, he was very funny singing that song.

You coughed to Dipper, "Are you next?" Dipper said, "Yeah..." He had a concerned look on his face as he looked around. He left you for a second, "Hey Grunkle Stan and Ford, can you watch over Y/N while Mabel and I sing our song? She's getting worse and drunker every second..." Ford had a face of confusion, "Just an hour ago she said she was perfectly fine..." Stan gave a thumbs up and screwed his eyes, "Taking care of a drunk? Consider it done!" Ford facepalmed and said, "Ugh. Anyway, sure, I'll take care of Y/N."

Ford sat to the right of you as Stan sat to the left of you. Dipper gave your tophat to Ford before he left to go on stage. Ford looked at the tophat with nostalgia as he sat to you. His face reflected in the hat. Stan sat next to you. He nudged you on the shoulder, "Hey, kid, wanna hear a joke?" You look up at him with eyebags under your eyes, "Yeah!" Stan cleared his throat, "Alright, here we go... My Ex-wife still misses me, but her AIM is getting better!" You started mindlessly laughing at Stan's stupid joke. "AT LEAST SOMEONE FINDS ME FUNNY!" Stan exclaimed proudly. You blankly remark, "Did your Ex-wife try to shoot you or something? Misses. Aim..." Stan took a drink of his red punch, "Yep..." Ford turned away from the tophat and stared at Stan, "Stan, leave her alone, she's drunk."

Mabel announces, "Next, the Mystery Twins!" Dipper ran up to Mabel on stage and he started singing with her...

"Had to have high, high hopes for a living.

Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing.

Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision.

Always had high, high hopes.

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