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My heartbeat echoed in my ears as Alice kept rambling about how thin I had become and how sorry she was for what happened. "Alice, what have you done so far? What do I do?" I choked, trying my best to bite back the tears. She took her hands off of me and pulled her tablet off her desk. " We've confirmed Thomas's recent whereabouts but lost soon after. I suspect his HQ is hiding him. She handed me the device showing me the footage she had. My blood curdled at the sight of him. He looked so peaceful strutting down the street and into our home.

"that's the last we saw him," Alice continued, "when we raided the house he was nowhere to be seen. My hunch about him looking for you was real. He booked a one way flight to Paris two days from now but knowing your father he-" "Don't call him that" I growled . Daughter to a murder, that is a title I refuse to accept. He was not my father, he was a murderer , a psychopath who would stop at nothing to get what he wants. The fact that I once looked up to such a creature, that I once loved it made me sick. Alice cleared her throat, " I am sorry, as for Skyler...Honey, we suspect either Thomas or Andrew has him." "Andrew?" I mouthed.What would that drunk of a man want from him? More importantly , how would he have so much power to hire a couple of goons to collect his son?

Alice studied me for a moment before settling down beside me. " I didn't tell you cause it wasn't my place I guess I have to be the one to break it to you." 'great something else I 'wasn't supposed to know' as if things couldn't be worse'. "Andrew, Skyler's dad, he isnt just an alcoholic ex-con. He used to be with the B.I.A in fact, he is the one who recruited and trained your fa-, I mean Thomas".   My heart dropped yet, I wasn't surprised. Anyone involved with Thomas was bound to be part of some shenanigan. "Alice, we need to get him back" . She caressed the top of my head and smiled reassuringly, "I know sweetie I will do my best. For now, you need to rest if ever you want a fair chance of winning against Thomas. I have your room prepared the secretary will take you home." I had no energy to fight. I needed her to help me find the one person I could rely on. I also think , no , I felt she needed me as well. Not as an agent, maybe as a daughter.

I grew tired of rolling around in my bed. Alice had made sure the place is filled with anything I might need. She was the better devil and not a very bad hostess either. I hardly knew the place anymore. So much had changed. New malls were everywhere, street names had changed. Even the snacks I used to love were no longer on the shelves. I was excited to see the new change but, I was also sad that i would never get to see some things again.

Tired of forcing myself to sleep, I got up , got dressed and left the house. "Well, I better get used to this place." I thought. The air was fresh, almost like the air in the country side. My muscle memory was not as bad as I thought. After what felt like a few moments of walking, I found myself walking past the Barman's hotel. The sight of it reminded me of that asshole, Johnathan. What he did didn't upset me anymore , I had let that petty act go ages ago. I wonder where the poor thing was. Had everyone I knew gone to college? How have they been living? Would they remember me if they saw me? I wasn't here to attend some reunion or track down ex-classmates to socialize. I just couldn't help but wonder what everyone's lives were like now.

The Golden Kettle had re-branded it seems. Again memories of that fool popped up. So did memories of Sky. I never went in but from what I heard from strangers queuing up to get inside , the owner of the place passed on and his daughter has been running the place since.
"agh who is this" I groaned. I had tried ignoring my vibrating phone thinking Alice was calling me. I hate when private numbers call me. I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. Taking a deep breath, I continued toward my former school. Eventually my phone stopped ringing, the caller had finally given up. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone or do anything. I just wanted to find Sky and to do that i needed to get used to the new layout of this town i once called home.

I continued strolling down the bustling street, my mind preoccupied with the past. The city had changed so much since the last time I was here. Skyscrapers now towered over the once-familiar skyline, and the air was thick with the scent of progress and change.

As I walked, the nostalgia became overwhelming, and I found myself drawn toward The Golden Kettle. The memories of laughter, heated arguments, and whispered confessions flooded back. With a sigh, I decided to step inside and see what had become of the place that held so much history for me.

The entrance door creaked open, and the familiar warmth of the coffee shop enveloped me. The atmosphere seemed both different and unchanged. The walls adorned with faded photographs told tales of the past, and the soft hum of conversation created a comforting ambiance.

I approached the counter, where a young woman with a striking resemblance to the old owner greeted me with a warm smile. "Welcome to The Golden Kettle. How can I help you today?"I
hesitated for a moment before responding, "I used to come here a long time ago. I heard the owner passed away. Is that true?"

The young woman's smile faded, replaced by a somber expression. "Yes, that's true. My father, the original owner, passed away a few years ago. I'm Emily, his daughter. I've been trying to keep the legacy alive." I nodded, a mixture of emotions bubbling up inside me. Emily gestured toward an empty corner table. "You're welcome to sit and enjoy your time here. If there's anything you need, just let me know."

As I settled into the corner, memories flooded back, transporting me to a time when life was simpler. I couldn't help but think of Sky. Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed Emily bringing me a cup of coffee. "On the house," she said with a small smile.

I thanked her and took a sip, the familiar taste bringing back a flood of memories. The cafe was alive with the hum of conversations and the clinking of cups, creating a backdrop to the stories that unfolded within its walls.

As I sat there, I couldn't shake the feeling that sometimes, revisiting the past could be a way to find closure and make peace with the present. The Golden Kettle, reborn under Emily's care, stood as a testament to the enduring power of memories and the bittersweet beauty of change.

If Thomas escaped from prison , chances are high he would try and make contact with me first. Thats how psycho's are, they care about their offspring only. To me, he was a psycho. I prayed Skyler was okay. I think, Thomas kidnapped him to get my attention.Maybe i was giving him too much credit for being obsessed with me, his only daughter, but i couldnt help it. Who knows why he escaped or what he was truly after. I glanced at my phone as i took another sip of coffee in the shop. It was Alice "where are you ?" the message read. She knew where i was, she has a tracker on me. I guess she was just worried and wanted to be courteous.

The coffee shop suddenly felt smaller, the air thicker. My mind raced as I considered the implications of Thomas being on the loose and the potential danger it posed to Skyler and me. Taking a deep breath, I typed a quick response to Alice, "Just grabbing a coffee. Need some time alone. I'll be home soon."

As I continued to sip my coffee, my thoughts drifted back to the past – the memories of a tumultuous childhood, the constant fear of Thomas's unpredictable actions. I couldn't shake the feeling that his escape was somehow connected to me. The knot in my stomach tightened with every passing moment.

Suddenly, the door of the coffee shop swung open, causing me to jolt in my seat. A tall figure stood in the doorway, partially concealed by the dim evening light. My heart skipped a beat as I squinted to get a clearer view. It wasn't Thomas, but a police officer, his gaze scanning the room.I was seated not far from the entrance and he walked right up to me while his colleagues talked to other customers.

"We need your cooperation. Your safety is our priority." he began. "What is this about?"
"We have reason to believe that narcotics are being distributed in this cafe"

I nodded, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The officer handed me a card with a direct line to the police station. "Call us if you notice anything unusual, we will also need you to make a statement if you witness anything"

As the officer left, I felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. Leaving the coffee shop, I stepped into the unknown, a sense of vulnerability lingering. The shadows of the past loomed large, but I was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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