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The hall was full of people. It reminded me of the winter dance but, more extravagant. Who would have ever believed that such ordinary-looking people are part of an ancient syndicate? I walked through the crowd arm in arm with Skyler who confidently led me out of the mansion and into the parking lot. A valet presented us with a charcoal black mustang. I glanced at Skyler as he hopped into the driver's seat. " Since when do you drive?"

He smirked and took a secret route in the back yard that led directly onto the highway. We drove in silence for close to an hour. I had no idea where we were going but, from the alignment of the stars, I could tell we were headed west. I had never seen Skyler so focused before. The moonlight had highlighted his sharp jawline, his crystal blue eyes and silky blonde hair. "We are almost there, all of this will be over soon," he said his jaws tense. A hint of fear flashed in his eyes. " Sky" I began. he grabbed my hand, brought it to his lips and gently kissed it.

" I'm sorry you have to go through this, but this is the last time I promise, I will do everything in my power to make sure you this world does not affect your life in the future" he assured me. just then I noticed a pair of headlights flash in the rearview mirror. I turned to loom out the beck window there were three cars hot on our heels. "Sk Sk Sk Sk Sky, we are being followed!"

" hold on," he said before he took a sharp left turn off the highway and onto a narrow path in the woods. A cottage came into view at the end of the path. The car skidded to a stop my head nearly hitting the windscreen as we halted. " get inside and stay inside" commanded Sky.

He quickly unhooked my safety belt. From the rearview mirror a familiar figure jumped out of the second car before the driver had a chance to slow down, she was heavily armed.

" just go now Sam go!" said Skyler pushing out of the car. I ran up the stairs that lead to the cottage locking the glass door behind me as soon as I set foot inside. I watched as Skyler disarmed the woman of her weapons and pinned her to the ground. Several more people climbed out of the cars that had been tailing us and knocked Skyler in the head. They tossed him around like a rag doll. This was, is it! My chance to escape. My heart sunk at the thought of leaving him.

I have to do something! It's me they are after not him! I frantically searched the cottage kitchen for a knife. Finally, I came across a pair of scissors. Without any hesitation, I trimmed the heavy material of the ballgown into a short A-line like dress. " That's more like it" I grinned.

I hid behind a huge pine tree near the house. The woman was gesturing to different locations around the house. I inched closer, taking full advantage of the shadows and the wind so she wouldn't hear or see me. " find her, but I need her alive." she yelled. As her men dispersed, she turned back to Skyler, who lay helplessly on the ground. She steadily aimed her weapon at him. " This bitch! " I whispered under my breath before jumping out of the shadows and stabbing her multiple times in the back.

She cried out in agony as she fell to her knees. I crawled up next to Skyler. " are you ok? Skyler, can you hear me? " I whispered my voice sounded coarse. He smiled at me gently. " I thought I told you to stay in the house. " Shh, don't try to talk you're hurt".

The men who had been sent to search for me grabbed me and pulled me away from Sky. More agents emerged from the woods surrounding us. Pistols in hand. Instinctively the men let go of me. Mom? I wondered as I watched Alice step out from the woods. " Get them out of my sight" she instructed. " is the van ready?"

"Yes mam, the target is on the move he should be arriving soon" an agent informed her.

Medical staff attended to Skyler while a few others carried away the corpse of the strange woman. The old me would have cried at the sight of a dead person. I didn't even care that had I killed her, I was only worried about the sky. " Samantha !" yelled Amber running down the path . " hold your fire!" Alice commanded.

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