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Twenty-four days sixteen minutes and 33 seconds, that's how long I've been here with no contact whatsoever with the outside world. Slowly, the reality of my life had begun to sink in. I tried my best to avoid people especially Skyler I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship all because I might have paid too much attention to what happened and ended up getting the wrong idea. Ever since the beginning of the semester, we were encouraged to make contact with a few people we know, friends or family who don't know the truth about us so people don't suspect a thing and make them believe it's just a school for rich overprivileged snobs.

"Let's settle down people", yelled Mrs. Hashbrown our World ethics and Religions teacher as she moved to the front of the class, "today we will be moving on to study ethics and morals in China but before we start our lesson who wants to remind us why these classes are important?"

once more the ever-enthusiastic Molly shot her hand up high into the air and waved it around. Mrs. Hashbrown nodded at her and she rose from her seat and faced the class. "As a spy, we must blend in but to do that and gain the protection of the locals in a particular country one needs to understand their way of life and respect their cultures"

"Yes, excellent! Thank you Molly", said Mrs. Hashbrown " over the past few years the people of China have.." The rain slowly getting stronger and drowning her voice. I looked out the window watching the rain slide off the bulletproof glass. I noticed what looked like a small cottage in the far corner of the schoolyard hidden among tall thick trees. "No one goes there", a tall dark-haired brown-eyed girl whispered from behind me. "It's the second most guarded place here with guards patrolling the area every hour, there are also high-grade security cameras as well as motion and heat sensors outside and within the place". "What's so valuable that it needs that much protection? It's just an old cottage" I whispered back.

"I wonder but nothing is as it seems over here remember that, hy I'm April by the way", she smiled extending her hand. "I'm Sam.." I began as I shook her hand. " Samantha Ashworth" she interjected, "sorry, everyone knows who you are, I mean you kinda famous since you're one of the best agent's daughter."

"Yeah right" I giggled stiffly. Mrs. Hashbrown cleared her throat loudly, " care to share the story April?"

"no mam, sorry mam" she replied. "hmm" Mrs. Hashbrown mumbled narrowing her eyes angrily before she continued scribbling notes on the board.

"psst, rumour has it that that's where the school's red beryl stone is stored it is called that because it is still stained with the blood of our enemy Lewis Stone hart", continued April.

"interesting rumours", I whisper back and continue taking down notes.

She gently pulled my arm back "I'm planning a stakeout tonight 8;30 you can join me if you really wanna know the truth, I can fetch you from your room I'll explain more about the school's history then." "Sure, eight-thirty it is" I confirmed. Who knows? Maybe I might find an escape route or something.

"alright girls that's it for today remember to hand in your assignments this Friday, class dismissed" announced Mrs. Hashbrown, "Sam remain behind I need to speak to you."

Molly squeezed my shoulder as she made her way out of the class. I dragged my feet as I moved toward her desk. "Samantha darling", she began as she slowly removed her spectacles. "I know this is still very new to you but sulking about and trying to seclude yourself from people is only going to make you feel worse and it won't change a thing." I sighed heavily and gazed at my feet.

"This world is not as bad as you think it is if you put a little more effort into things you might learn to love it and find happiness right here " she continued a look of genuine sympathy in her eyes. "I will try my best," I answered not wanting to disappoint her any further. "May all tenth graders report to the main entrance I repeat all tenth graders to the main entrance thank you." A masculine electronic-like voice announced through the school's intercom.

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