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"do not bring my mother into this!" I yelled, my eyes darting around the room. The lights were dim, the scent of cherry-scented air freshener filled the room. " Angel, whatever happened to your manners?" the silhouette rose from her seat. "don't call me that! " I snapped. No one else knew about my middle name apart from amber my dad and of course Skyler. The woman inched closer to me instinctively I walked back toward the door. As the light slowly revealed her facial features, my knees weakened. She had big bright hazel-coloured eyes and long wavy curly-ish raven black hair. I felt as if I was looking at a reflection of my older self. I tried to speak but, shock stole my voice before I could say a word. " no, no it can't be"

The woman's lips curled up slyly, extending her hand to me.

"is that what Thomas told you?" she sighed before mumbling under her breath, " of course he did."

" Why didn't you look for me ? why show up now? what exactly do you want from me?"

" If I had tried to contact you earlier on you could have been annihilated, it's a risky industry we work in ."

"I was content with watching you grow up from a safe distance, I was always with you Angel."

" Dad was right too keep this from me, I was better of not knowing anything at all my life was less complicated. "

"I understand it's hard for you but, Thomas was wrong, the truth is the only thing that will keep you safe right now. "

" He kept the truth hidden to try and keep me safe instead of faking his death only to watch me grow up from the shadows."

She glared at me, her eyes filled with rage. " huh" she scoffed, " that's the story he chose to tell you? listen, baby, you have no idea what happened between your father and I so don't spout nonsense."

Her eyes welled up but, she dared not shed a tear. An awkward silence fell upon the room.

" Come and stay with me, our agency can guarantee your safety, given your current situation there is nothing Tom can do for you," she begged, trying to cup my face. I jerked back at her statement.

" wait, so you had me tricked into coming to meet you, now you think I'm going to live with you? You think a short conversation will make up for the fourteen years of your absence?"

"Sammy I know.." 

" The senior dance, did you know about that?" I asked biting my lip in a desperate attempt to hold back my tears. 

" Samantha , I never intended to hurt you , I honestly had no idea about what happened."

"Save it Alice!" I snapped my voice shaky. " I have heard enough lies to last me a lifetime."

Her eyes widened at the use of her name. " Samantha" she gasped trying to recollect herself. 

"I don't run the show there is only so much I can do , what should I do to show you how sorry i am? " 

" Sorry you abandoned me for your career or sorry that you used me, put my life in danger to send a 'message' to your ex husband?"  I scoffed, "It all makes sense now, you framed me for theft because you want something precious, something dad has right?" 

"Samantha I know you..." she began to speak.

"no! no you don't know anything about me at all! Some mother you are! " my voice was slightly louder than I intended it to be.

"Sammy, I need you to calm down"

"Don't ever tell me what to do!"

A sharp sound of her palm colliding with cheek reverberated through the room. The impact sent me stumbling backwards clutching onto my throbbing cheek. She straightened up flinging her wavy hair over her shoulder.  " a war is fast approaching, a conflict you will not fully understand I just want you to be safe when it happens. " she straightened out her dress before returned to her seat.

"I admit my shortcomings but, at the end of the day, I am still your mother. At least respect that fact!"  

" tsh" scoffed. This witch just clapped me. What war could she possibly be talking about? Most importantly, what does it have to do with me?

" how do you know Johnathan? What is your relationship with him?" I said removing my hand from my face.

"he isn't one of us don't worry. He is just a greedy kid. I noticed he was close to you so, I paid him to bring you here. Don't worry about being embarrassed one of my men made sure he received drug-induced amnesia he will never know what happened.

" it was nice meeting you, I'm afraid I have to go now, enjoy your life."

I paced toward the door. " then you leave me no choice, I'm sorry Angel" she whispered. A sharp pain erupted between my neck and shoulder. The door began to fade away.

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