Chapter Eighteen

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The following days unfolded with a relentless tension that seemed to tighten around the coffee shop, casting a shadow over its once-cozy atmosphere. The police presence intensified, and rumors about the coffee shop owner's alleged involvement in illegal activities spread like wildfire. As a result, the calm haven that had once provided solace for its patrons transformed into a hub of anxiety.

One evening, as I sat in the same corner of the coffee shop. They approached the counter, and with a stern expression, they placed the owner under arrest. The atmosphere grew charged with a mix of disbelief and unease as the patrons exchanged hushed whispers.

A detective, Detective Turner, approached me and a few other regulars, urging us to step forward as witnesses. Reluctantly, we followed him to a nearby police station to provide statements about our experiences in the coffee shop. The air in the small, dimly lit room felt heavy as we waited for our turns to testify.

When it was my chance to speak, I recounted the countless times I had visited the coffee shop, emphasizing that I had no knowledge of any illegal activities taking place there. Other patrons shared similar sentiments, expressing shock and disbelief at the allegations against the owner.

The detective listened intently, scribbling notes as we spoke. As the testimonies unfolded, it became apparent that the owner's arrest was linked to a larger investigation into a local drug ring. The once-beloved coffee shop had unwittingly become entangled in a web of criminal activity.

The legal proceedings moved forward quicker than I expectted. The coffee shop remained closed, its windows boarded up, and the lingering scent of uncertainty hung in the air. Meanwhile, the hunt for Thomas continued, his escape adding another layer of complexity to an already tumultuous situation.

Alice kept me updated on any information she could get about Thomas.Most of which was unhelpful but she continuously reassured me that I have no reason to worry.he looming threat of Thomas's presence, however, remained a persistent worry that no amount of reassurance could dispel. As the legal process unfolded, the community rallied together to support those affected by the events. Despite the dark turn of events, a glimmer of hope emerged, a collective determination to rebuild what had been lost. The coffee shop, once a symbol of warmth and camaraderie, awaited its fate, its future uncertain in the wake of the revelations that had shaken its foundations.

After my last day of questioning as I stepped out of the police station something caught my attention and made me freeze in place. Was that him? A tall figure with broad shoulders and a familiar frame stood about eighty metres from the entrance to the station.Draped in a brown coat with a thick scarf covering half of his face. My eyes welled up. When I took a step in his direction, he took several back. Why? I ran toward him and he turned his back and briskly walked in the opposite direction. 'Don't do this to me,' I thought. I was faster than I thought I was and when I got close enough to grab him by the arm he stopped, turned and handed me a piece of bloody paper.

Out of breath I looked up at him to see brown eyes I had never met before. I stumbled backwards.The build was the same, he had even dyed his hair to match Skyler's natural shade. "Who are you ?" I demanded. He answered not instead, he shoved the blood-stained paper into my hands and walked away. I grasped the paper going after him once more, I snatched the scarf to get a good look at his face. He slapped my hand away and covered his face with his hand before I had the chance to look at him. I noticed a black SUV at the end of the road and alarms rang in my head. 'Thomas sent him here' he knew where I was and could access me at any time. I let the man go and walked backwards till he entered the car and drove off. 

The following days unfolded with a relentless tension that seemed to tighten around the coffee shop, casting a shadow over its once-cozy atmosphere. The police presence intensified, and rumors about the coffee shop owner's alleged involvement in illegal activities spread like wildfire. As a result, the calm haven that had once provided solace for its patrons transformed into a hub of anxiety.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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