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"Hey ", I stuttered trying to slow down my heartbeat and collect myself. "Sorry, I hope you didn't get burnt now did you?"

"Not at all" I assured the broad-shouldered blue-eyed boy who stood beside me. " Mind if join you?"

"Feel free" I responded wiping the coffee off my shirt . I wish I hadn't raised my head because his icy blue eyes seemed to capture my soul and as much as I hate to admit it he was handsome! Gosh, he was just perfect!

"A penny for thoughts?" he asked pulling me back to reality. I averted my eyes to the table realizing I was beginning to drool. I tried to keep a straight face, but my checks betrayed me as they flushed in a light blush.

He giggled at my reaction and smiled playfully. His teeth were pearly white and his laugh was so free, so soothing. "what's your name princess?"

"Sam Samantha but everyone calls me Sam, and you are?" I stuttered.

"Johnathan but you can call me Jay". Damn why does he have to be so handsome!?

" I'm sorry about the coffee".

"Oh don't worry about that all is forgiven".

"I'll be paying for that" he informed the waitress who attended to my mess. I smiled at him gratefully. We must have talked forever just laughing and joking around. For a moment we got lost in each other's eyes and I wished that the day would never come to an end until my vibrating phone ruined the mood.

Amber had called at least twenty-five times since I left the house. Glancing outside the sun had already painted the sky in light orange. The little 'tea break by accident' was more than refreshing. I got to discover a new coffee shop that felt like an island of peace. Like a wonderful illusion or dream, I did not want to leave, but I had to.

" It's getting late I better get going," I said as I rose from my seat.

"You're right I'll walk you home". "Oh it is ok I'll be fine thanks" I assured him but he ignored me and followed me to the till. "Don't worry yourself , I got this think of it as my way of apologizing for scaring you?" he said as he playfully winked and nudged me. I walked out of the shop to wait outside. Across the road, a familiar figure stood directly opposite me, when we locked eyes he slipped his hood on. Just when I was about to walk over to him Jay exited the shop. "ready?"

"Yeah," I answered when I turned back guy had disappeared.

The walk home was quiet but we were comfortable with the silence. "Thanks for walking me home Johnathan I really appreciate your company "

"It's a pleasure princess, I really hope I see you again, may I have your number?"

" I'm sorry I don't know it by heart but we will meet again if fate wills it" he laughed gave me a tight hug. "If you say so, night Sam" he said walking backward, waving me goodbye.

The tension between Dad and Amber washed over me from the moment I walked through the door. All the stress, the questioning, and self –doubt, it all came back.

"Oh there you are Sammy, you're just in time for supper".

"hi Dad, I have a project I need to finish so I'll eat later". "Oh, ok I also have a flight in an hour so I'll need to prep," he told me trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. We don't see each other much because if he is not flying his either teaching adult classes or resting. I guess not having time to catch up and all the stress of parenting was taking its toll on him. He looked tired and disappointed that I wasn't making any effort to meet him in the middle.

"You know what, I think the project can wait, I'll go call Amber" he nodded his head in response trying to suppress his joy. Sitting around the dinner table like a normal family felt weird. It had been a long time since the three of us sat down and ate together. The most difficult part was starting a conversation.

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