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I stood moving to the window, might as well get a good look at this dump for the last time. Something wheezed through the air and hit my forehead. what the heck!? I stumbled backwards at the impact. Sure it was a pebble but that was one heck of a blow! "Sorry", a masculine voice whispered from below. Leaning over my windowsill I prepare myself to launch the stinky pebble back to its owner. " Jay? WHAT THE HECK! Did you throw this?"

"I'm sorry ok, can we talk?"

"Johnathan! Its four freaking o'clock in the morning!"

"I know but it's really important you need to see this", he sounded serious and his face was showed signs of worry and surprisingly excitement.

"Ok I'll be down in a sec"

What does he want? And why at this hour couldn't he wait till midday or something?

"Hey, ok I'm sorry about the stone I didn't think you'd open the window before I ..." he sighed, " I'm sorry but I just had to show you this you won't believe it!"

"Believe what?"

"Just follow me", he grabbed my hand.

"Jay", I pulled away "I can't leave the house I'm grounded".

"I'll have you back before they can notice please this could change things for you"

We took a shortcut through the park and around the demolished block of apartments. We might as well have taken the normal bus route but he didn't want us to be seen lest someone notices me and causes trouble. The place was dead silent even the dogs where asleep. The only disturbing sound was the wind howling.

"Where are we going?"


"What? Why?"

"You'll see", he smiled

He led me through a hole in the fence behind the pavilion In the sports ground. We quietly made our way down the empty halls and into the boys changing room?

The light was dim and barely lit up the room. The clicking of keys was audible from the door. Across the room a dark figure was slouching, a bright screen before it. The air was humid and the floor was ice cold. My gosh, why did I ever leave the house? I mean I barely knew the guy. I couldn't help but feel he wanted to kill me or that I was walking into some sort of trap.

"Who else is here?" I asked nervously.

"Hey Skyler, she's here!" He rose from the bench he was seated on and approached us. Relieved to see a familiar face I sighed heavily earning me a confused look from Sky.

"You will not believe what I've found", he lifted his laptop and placed it in my hands.

"What am I looking at ?" I asked staring at the blurry video on the screen.

He clicked the play button and remained silent. "Is that the locker room?" I watched a shadowy figure walk toward Lilly "Who is that? I gasped as the masked silhouette grabbed Lilly by the neck and continuously stabbed her in neck and stomach. I turned my tear-stung eyes away from the screen. "Why did show me this?

"Sam I know this is hard to watch but this proves that you didn't kill Lilly," said J as he crouched on the floor beside me. "Skyler here found the tapes in the garbage can not far from the school he says it was hidden behind a couple of trees."

"Yeah, when I heard what happened I knew you couldn't do something like that so I tried to pull the security tapes but they had disappeared and well" he pointed to the screen.

"You dug through trash just to try and clear my name?" I sniffled my eyes watering.

"Hey, it's ok now we can finally prove that you were framed" smiled Sky encouragingly.

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