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 "Tell them they are next" commanded a hoarse voice. "Tell who? Who are you and what do you want from me? " I squealed. I felt like I was suffocating, shadows danced around the room. The sharp sound of tyres screeching echoed in my head. I was trapped! The repulsive smell of blood and smoke filled the vehicle. " Help!" I coughed violently "help!" Why can't anyone hear me!? I wiggled around desperate to free myself from the rope that had tightly been secured around my wrists and legs. I groaned, as I felt someone yank me out of the vehicle and toss me over their shoulder carrying me away from the burning car. "Help! " I jolted upright in my bed. My nightshirt now covered in sweat. Shaking, I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and dialled the first number that came to mind.

"Hey" answered a deep sleepy voice. Unable to control my shock I sobbed. " Again?" he asked, " calm down I'm on my way." Ever since the kidnapping I have been haunted by nightmares. At first, I couldn't see anything, all I heard were voices and the smell of blood and smoke seemed so real. Every night its as if the dreams kept getting more and more graphic. "Sam" he called. I rushed and flung the door open. I clung onto him trying to collect myself. "hey it's okay" he reassured gently brushing my hair.

" It felt so intense this time, so real." I sniffled "I wish I could see their faces maybe then..."

" Then, the nightmares would stop?" He finished.

"Sam, you have to learn to let it go or you will never be free. Try and forgive them even if you might never know who they are or why they did it. Once you learn to forgive you will be able to heal." Skyler was the only friend left whom I could rely on. Everyone else seemed so cold and distant but, he still stuck around. Amber and dad both had demanding jobs and having known Skyler since childhood he automatically became my source of strength.He always stayed with me whenever Amber or Dad were not around. He said he would be "babysitting" for them but i knew he just wouldnt want to br around his alcoholic father. Knowing someone else was in the house was always reassuring for me. Whenever I was around him I felt safe like I could do anything. "Thank you".

" Try going back to bed everything will be okay I promise." he smiled.


" Sam, I'm doing the laundry now" my cousin Amber called from the basement. "Coming" I responded as I searched my room for the clothes I wore the night before and headed to her. "There you go hope you don't mind washing my bag for me too my wrists still hurt," I said handing her the clothes "Thanks for doing the laundry cuzzie". "It's not like I had much of a choice," she said smirking. "Of course you don't" I pushed my chest out and acted proudly before returning to my room and locking myself in.

I still felt guilty for not telling the 'cop', Christopher the whole truth. I replayed every question he had asked, every word I had said to him in my mind. I tried to recall his voice the deep look he had in his eyes. Despite the pain from my throbbing cheek, I squeezed my eyes shut trying to recall everything that happened the night of the ball yet, the only question that refused to leave my mind was who is he?

Who was he who pulled me into the darkness and tried to take me with him? Who was he working for and why? Why me? All these questions I wished I could ask him, I wished I could see his face and ask why? Slowly I got lost in my mind, drifting with the thoughts that bubbled up in my head.

"Sam! Samantha! Get down here!" Amber screamed. Frightened at the sudden sound I obeyed and darted downstairs. At the end of the staircase stood one, angry girl who had in her hand what looked like two handfuls of jewellery? "Amber where did you get those?"

"I should be asking you that!" she snapped. "I found these in your bag you know the one you used last night, want to tell me how they got there?"

"I, I don't know " I stuttered, "I have no idea I promise you, Amber, I really I, I"

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