{1} A Dream unlike the rest.

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Izuku had always been a big lucid dreamer, In fact the only dreams that he has ever had were lucid. Tonight was different though. He had gotten into a huge fight with his mother a week ago and she had yet to come back home. This was the first night he had dreamt in a few months and it was a weird one to say the least.

A tall man with black hair, an angelic face and elegant clothing approached Izuku. The man had featherless red wings that looked like the devil himself. "My son," the man said. "this is not a dream. you are in hell because I am your father.

"Are you like the devil or something?" Izuku said sarcastically.

"Precisely, son." the man sat on a throne that looked millennia old. "Sit beside me son." A newer looking throne appeared beside the man and Izuku sat. "I have come to tell you that you will find your soulmate if you go to the first hero school you see on an advert."

Just then Izuku woke up in a cold sweat. he decided he'd just have a cigarette and smoke it while sat on the windowsill. It was a habit he first picked up in middle school before he got home-schooled. He picked up smoking when the bullying from his ex- best friend got worse. Izuku didn't actually ever care that he got bullied, he wasn't a person that got very emotional, but it still stressed him out nonetheless. by the time he had finished the cigarette he was lost in thought. 'What if that really wasn't a dream?' he contemplated it for a while then shook it off as a strange dream. What he couldn't shake off, though, was how the dream looked. He had always imagined hell as an extremely hot place, just like the stories. In his dream it looked much different. There were hallways and doors with names on them, it was cold, almost freezing but it didn't bother him. The thrones looked as if they were made from pure diamonds. An assortment of weird looking creatures were surrounding his father, worshipping him.

The next day he decided to report his mother missing and enrol in UA's Hero course. Within a few weeks he was accepted into class 3-A. Much to his surprise, he was able to move into the dorms almost instantly. There was one thing he was worried about, though. The dreams became more frequent, and every time they occurred it felt like he was missing out on sleep.

The man sat there, looking mystical on his mystical throne staring Izuku in his eyes. "Hello, my boy."

"Hello. Again." Izuku said. he had gotten pretty fed up of these new dreams by now.

"You might be wondering why I called you here." the man said with a soft smile, and a warm glow in his eyes.

"I always do. What is it this time?" Izuku huffed. He was already tired and wanted out. For some reason these dreams always drained his energy instead of recharging it.

"I know you don't believe all of this is real yet." the man spoke with a gentle British accent. "But I'm retiring, which means you will be the new devil." the man looked at the boy lovingly.

"Can I go back yet?" Izuku whined, "I want to sleep without any of these weird dreams."

"You still think you're lucid dreaming, yes?" the man spoke with sincerity in his eyes. "If that's the case, try to control the dream." Izuku tried, as hard as he could. And when he couldn't the realisation hit him, hard.

"Oh my god."

end of chapter.

authors note!: thankyou for reading the first chapter of the devil's angel. Comment any plot points you'd like to see and enjoy your day/night <3

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