{9} A huge shock

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----9 pm, LOV base, Izuku POV.

"WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" shigaraki trembles at the sight of me and I smirk.

"Missed me?" shota glares at me.

Shigaraki puts his hand up to my throat, touching my neck with all five fingers.

"Shota, stop using your quirk. I need to kill this fucker." shota shakes his head no, but takes his eyes off shigaraki for a second, allowing him to use his quirk.

"Shigaraki-kun! that tickles. Sorry but I only let shota put his arms around my throat." I said, his confusion becoming visible.

he backed away from me, he was now on the other side of the large room." Boyfriend? How aren't you dead!?" he was yelling, almost screaming.

"You can't kill the devil, shiggy-kun." she said, looking shigaraki in the eye, his fear and confusion considerably more visible.

"Do you know what this man did to me?" he was screaming now. "He showed me what fear is! I still have the scars he gave me!" saying this, he lifted his shirt and revealed a huge scar along his back, as well as, as many as 20 other smaller ones all over his torso.

"Oh come on friend! that's the past now! oh and you killed the only person that ever cared for me." I walked up to him, my arms wide open. "We got off on the wrong foot, let's start again?"

"Fine. I'll forgive you. But that is because your boyfriend is my best friend." he said, "But, on the condition that you never hurt me again."

"Deal, let me join the league and you'll have the devil himself on your team." I say, trying to hug him. "Being the devil I can give you inhuman powers."

"Yes. you're in. You had me at the devil on my team." he said, hugging me back. we pulled back and he stuck his middle finger up at me and I retaliated.

"How about you make a deal with the devil?" I say, conjuring an old script with two lines at the bottom and a sharp quill.

"I'm interested?"

"I give you superhuman powers, of your choice in exchange for your soul. Those powers would like a quirk, except a lot stronger and without drawbacks, you would have to train these powers and they may alternate, but you will be able to control the alternation after a while of training." I say.

"Would I go to hell?" he asked.

"You were going anyway, but. Since you're my love's best friend I can lessen the punishment." Shota looked at us wide-eyed.

"What do I have to do?" he said, a wide grin spreading across his face

"Just sign your name in blood and the deal's sealed." he snatches the quill and stabs it into his arm. a drop of blood clumsily fell on the paper before he signed his full name.

"A shimura eh?" I laugh. "Whatever you sign this paper will turn it to your real name. and besides, I know all."


"I wonder if my dad ever did this."

the next morning was a school day, and an emergency assembly was called throughout UA, the whole school and every single one of the teachers were in attendance. Gossip from all of the students erupted when Nezu appeared from shota's scarf.

"Quiet everybody!" he said into the microphone. "I have called this assembly because it has been brought to my attention that the majority of you might be sexually active." a noticeable amount of student lower their head at this sentence. "While I can't stop you, I can encourage you to be safe. Which is why we will be introducing a sex safety class taught by miss midnight. The curriculum will be sex positive and how to go about it, We will not call your parents and tell them though we encourage you to do it yourselves when you are ready. Additional to this, We will add soundproofing to your dorms. This will take the dorms to be vacated though so everyone gets a week off of school to go home to your families. Thankyou and that's all I had to say." he said.

Later, me and shota were called to his office to discuss something. "welcome, you two."

"Hello, principal Nezu." I say.

"what is it headmaster?" shota says, presumably nervous.

"I have asked you both here because of your relationship. I'm not stupid and I know you are both in a relationship. Now, Izuku?"

"Yes headmaster?"

"Did you agree to this?"

"I love him with my whole heart. and I am of age, I'm the devil. I'm literally ageless."

"I understand, though I find it hard to believe that you are the devil."

I reveal my real face, to which he flinches slightly. "Shota, could you use your quirk on me?" he does as I say and as expected it doesn't go. "See? don't worry, you're going to heaven." Nezu gets out of his seat and tries to walk toward me but falls over his own feet. I catch him before he hits the floor but he's already passed out. "Shit. sho I think I made Nezu faint."

"You think? lay him down, I'll get water." he walks out of the room, by the time he's awake shota's already back with the water.

"What the fuck." Nezu swears, catching both shota and I off guard. "get out. I'll allow the relationship but get out." he starts freaking out, which scares shota and I, because he's not someone to show much emotion.

"Okay." I say as we walk out, freaked out by his reaction.

"Way to go, izuku." he laughs,

by the time we get to the class everyone is already there, quieting down when shota walks in. the rest of the day went by like a blur and soon enough we were home.

"Shota, can I stay with you while I make some money for a place?"

"Aren't you like... a king now?" he asks confused.

"Yeah but I'm not staying in hell for a whole week! that's like a thousand years down there!"

"Okay, come with me then love."

end of chapter (FINALLYYY!!!)

1027 words

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