{6}Gamble to heart's content

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"Hizashi! Hey!"

"Hey zawa, you hanging out today?" by now, Izuku had already snuck into the closet. "Can I come in?"

"Uh, yeah. it's a mess though." Mic stepped in, surprised at the rose petals strewn across the floor and smell of candles. He took in the sight of two different pairs of boxers on the floor.

"Zawa buddy, finally getting it on?"

"Shut it mic."

"Who's the lucky guy?" he said loud enough so Izuku (and the rest of class a) could hear it. "Is he still here?"

"No. what do you want."

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to do betting night with the pros tonight."

"oh mic, you always hit my soft spot with that bloody night. I'll be there. I have to bring problem child though because he's been drinking and managed to get out of UA and get a tattoo."

"Ooh, never had had student at the betting night, how fun!"

---- at the betting night, in the conference room. Izuku POV

The conference room had multiple tables, chairs and all sorts of different lights and money pouches, a whiteboard at the front had different bets, and how much each pro bet. It was nothing like the usual dark, dreary room that had one single U shaped table and a digital board.

"So you brought me here why?" I asked

"a secret date!" Sho said.

"You know, I usually don't care about the law, you know, because I'm a divine being and all but isn't gambling highly illegal in japan?" I said, questioning his morals slightly, "Your all pro heroes, the ones responsible for upkeeping the law?"

"It's fine, though I have something to tell you later."

We walk into the gamble night, greeted by many pro heroes principal Nezu and... Uraraka.

"Welcome to the 520th weekly gamble night!" principal Nezu said. "We have a guest today, please welcome Izuku Midoriya!"

the pros look at me and shota, some slightly confused, and some happy that there's fresh meat.

"Today, our gambles our on Class 3-A." Nezu said. "And since we now two insiders our bets can be confirmed quicker."

"ah. that's why you told me to bring my notebooks!" I say, jokingly offended.

"well, it's a plus what can I say?" Shota laughed.

"You better be rewarding me later." I whisper in his ear. He blushes slightly as Nezu continues.

"Who'd like to start?" Shota stands up,

"100 bucks on that bakugo is gay." he says it into a microphone, just as I realised every table had one. "Izuku is he?" he whispers.


another pro stands up, Hawks!

"Extension. He's gay and dating red riot." he says proudly into his microphone. after every hero had betted, Uraraka stood up.

"This source can confirm ." she said

then everyone looked at me.

"Uhm... This source can also... confirm?"


After the "Meeting" me and Sho went back to his place and by the time we were on the top floor I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I hungrily kissed him, he opened the door to his place, and took my shirt off. I unbuttoned his, unable to keep my hands off of him as we fall on to his sofa, our tongues wrestling for dominance, by now we were completely naked, his hands wondering down, clutching onto my ass.

"Shota, I need you so bad." he smirks, propping me up. He licks his fingers and inserts one into me. He thrusts it a few times before adding another. "Fuck me shota!"

Shota takes his fingers out of me while I pump his dick. he kisses me again and I grab his neck closer to me, desperate for him inside of me. Almost like he read my mind he broke the kiss and lined me up with his member. he gently pushes himself inside of me, making me moan his name, loud. Extremely loud. he speeds up making me whine for him. I cum almost instantly, he carries on thrusting in and out, making me moan his name, even louder than before.

"That's right angel, moan daddy's name."

"Daddy!" I moan that same word over and over again, as I'm overstimulated at this point.

Shota switches positions, him on top of me, holding me down by my wrists. My moaning, whining and whimpering only gets louder as he starts marking my neck and chest making him need to cover my mouth. He cums inside of me, making me moan for a final time as he kisses me and praises me.

"You did amazing, angel."

"I'm so not going to be able to walk tomorrow." I say with a toothy grin.

"It's late, i'll carry you to your dorm, if anyone's awake it's because of all your moaning." he says with a wink.

He carries me to my dorm, leaving me after giving me a kiss. "Who would have thought, the devil is a sub!" he jokes, only to stop laughing when he sees my glare.

"You don't tell anyone that I'm a sub! especially my uncle."

"Who's your uncle and why would I tell him?"

"He's god dummy, now go to bed, you have a class to teach in the morning."

"Oh, right. You too, darling. You're showing up whether you like it or not."

"I fucking love your dominant side. it's so sexy."

---- The next morning.

"Yo guys did you hear the insane moaning last night, it kept me up for ages." kaminari said as I limped in.

"Yeah, sounds like Aizawa sensei had a good night last night!" kirishima laughed

I took my seat as Shota walked up to the two boys. "something you want to share with the class?"

"How about you share your awesome night with the class?"

"Kaminari that is extremely inappropriate!" iida chimed in.

"No Iida, he's right, my lover was extremely loud last night and I apologise on their behalf."

"OMG guys! it's happening!" mina said, or rather shouted. Within 20 minutes (Much to Iida's protest) shota was tied up and forced to answer questions. "when did you meet?" "Boy or girl?" " Pro or Civillian?" "WHO?"

I lifted my head up to laugh at the class' antics and forgot about all about the hickeys

"Looks like sensei isn't the only one that got action last night!" kirishima pointed out.

within 20 minutes, I too was tied up and forced to answer questions.

"So. who."

"My girlfriend, I snuck out last night while sensei was having 'fun' and met up with her."

"Enough!" shota said. "Midoriya, speak to me after about this disappearing act you keep doing."

Shota started class after untying me and soon enough it was time for our talk.

once I was sure everyone was gone I pulled him closer and kissed him, deepening it for a moment before breaking it off.

"God I've been waiting to do that all day. What did you need?"

"Me too angel, me too. I wanted to ask when your family reunion is?"

"Oh, uh yeah, it's tonight, are you coming?" I ask

"Yeah, okay, see you later angel."


I'm dropping these chapters out my ass atp :')

1198 words

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