{12} Act normal

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"How did you get that." I teleported behind him, snatching the blade from him before he had the chance to react. Jumping on top of him and holding him down I hold the blade to his neck. "I could cut you out of existence with one swipe of this knife."

"But my king, you wouldn't do that do an old friend." he laughed at me, clearly trying to taunt me.

"I'm not so sure about that, periculous. The only heart I have is for the king consort here, and you hurt him." I slide the blade across his neck without hesitation, his body fading leaving only a stain of blood on the blade. "Sorry, love. I just had to deal with him quickly."

The look on Shota's face was disturbed, almost completely terrified. "Uh. babe? when were you going to tell me that there's a murderous demon that hates humans on the loose?"

"When I got back. he's dead now and I'm assuming you want to go home?" I kiss his forehead when I catch Docera trying to leave. "Do not try to leave, Docera. You know you are in trouble." she stops dead in her tracks, falling to my feet.

"I am so sorry, my king. I will do anything."

"Stop grovelling, Docera. You are my right hand and I will not punish you harshly." I gesture for her to get up and she does.

"Thank you, my king." she's crying now, thanking me over again.

"Although I will find a new warden for the time being you are on house arrest."

"Um, isn't house arrest a bit of a light punishment, especially If you're on earth?" shota mentions.

"House arrest is literal torture for demons, it thins down their DNA." I say, making intense eye contact with him. "Why, does it need to be harsher?" I ask.

"No, it's okay."

it was soon the end of the earth week and we were preparing to go back. Shota had since learned how to fully control his power and he was almost as strong as me.

"Izuku, what if I accidentally use my abilities?" he asked, I could practically see the fear in his eyes.

"You wont, and if you do, well you're a villain it won't matter." I say, in an attempt to console him. "You just have to act normal, though."

before he can question we're back at the dorms and he slumps on a sofa "I never thought it'd feel so good to be on earth. I feel so different."

"You will, for one: you've been gone a thousand years, and two: you're a god now."

"what am I the god of?"

"You are the god of family and marria-" before I could finish three other students ran through the door.

"HEY SENSEI, MIDORIYA!" the three students said, or rather shouted.

"hey, kaminari, kirishima, mina!" I say, studying Shota to make sure he acts normal.

"Hello, guys." shota lifts his head slightly, making his new found arrogance visible.

The three students looked at us, confusion stripped on their faces.

"Um, Mr. Aizawa?" mina said, brows knitted in confusion. "There's something different about you. OH EMM GEE!" she squealed. "You went to the spa!" the three students jumped in a circle in excitement.

"Wow, sir. I didn't take you for a self care kind of person." kirishima says, basically shouting.

Shota smiles awkwardly before admitting a small "Yeah." and leaving the room.

--- cut to the conference room, a small group of UA staff are sat round a relatively big table. staff members include; Principal Nezu, Eraser Head, Present Mic, Midnight, All might, Snipe, Recovery girl, vlad king and Hound dog. The room is relatively dark, the only light coming from the projector. Present mic is leading a presentation.

"We all know the UA traitor theory. But we have yet to take it seriously. I have undeniable proof of it." the audience gives a small hum of agreement, still sceptical of his theory.

"Go on." Nezu says, slightly confused.

"Well, as we are all aware, the league had been imprisoned before they broke out. However I have proof that it wasn't an inside source or a mistake that helped them get out, but an outside source coming from UA. First of all, Tartarus had heightened security and only someone inside UA had that knowledge that they were locked up. Secondly, the attack on UA the other day was more brutal than ever, meaning they've gotten serous. Again, only a UA source had that knowledge." More hums of agreement could be heard as Hizashi Yamada paused and slowly flicked through pictures, evidence, of times and attacks on UA. All directed at class now class 3-A.

"I'm quite impressed, Yamada-kun," Nezu started. "You really do have evidence, but I'm assuming that isn't all?"

"No. See there are hundreds, thousands even, of students and teachers here. Which is where I began to take in some suspects." The teachers looked at him with impressed expressions as they began to understand. "The traitor is most likely a student in class 3-a, or someone that has something against the whole class. I've narrowed a few people down. number 1. Neito monoma, the most obvious and loud about his dislike to the class, but there are three others, in class 3-B." Vlad king and eraser head groan, knowing that there is a traitor in their class. "Vlad king, you may not voice your opinion but there are three motives, or explanations for you." Present mic flicks to a picture of vlad king, "1. you may not say much but every chance you get you take a dig at class 3-a, you have done since they first started here. 2. you're too proud of your class, so proud infact that you, and I quote, 'would kill for your class if it meant they were happy and safe." the room stares at The hero teacher accusatively. "And three, you have disappeared completely from campus multiple times, making up fake excuses every time." Yamada flicks to a different picture, this time to a student. "Ibara Shiozaki. Though she seems kind and well spoken her mask has slipped plenty of times, as well as the undeniable proof that just three days after she was caught talking good about the league there was an attack on the UA gym during class time. I didn't make this conclusion on weak evidence, though. She seems highly enamoured with beating class 1-A and has caught hurting Denki Kaminari outside of a training day. She has also been heard quoting Himiko Toga." gasps fill the room as he flicks to one of the last pictures and starts again. " Shihai Kuroiro. He comes off as sly and deceitful as well as scheming and being rather hostile toward class A. As shown many times by his actions." he paused, waiting for someone to speak up. and of course, they did.

"I don't want to point fingers but why aren't we considering Aizawa? he could be just as guilty." Nezu said, rather matter-of-factly.

"I did consider him, and results weren't at all shocking. I analysed his pros and cons of being the traitor. There were many, many cons and not one pro, motive, reason or suspicious activity. not to mention how he tries to hide how much he loves his kids. that in itself is enough in my eyes, but, I have more. I analysed his movement, sleep pattern, and times he leaves UA. the only time he leaves campus is for school trips and holidays. he sleeps about 60% of his day teaching and 40% percent sleeping, he'd have no time. he moves from the main campus to the dorms twice a day and nowhere else." convinced faces look at Aizawa and smile, but one face doesn't seem quite convinced.

"What about you?"

end of chapter.

writers note: Okay, so I'm writing on my laptop and it broke but my friend was able to fix it. So sorry for the time it took to get this out. Goodnight!!

1344 words

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